View Full Version : Prednisolone oral steroid, anyone had experience with it?

27-03-15, 14:32
I've just been diagnosed with a nasty bacterial chest infection. Doc has given me antibiotics and a short course of prednisolone (30mg). I'm a bit worried as apparently it can cause and worsen anxiety quite dramatically. As well as causing insomnia and a whole huge list of other side effects which I (wisely?) didnt read.

Has anyone else had experience of prednisolone? Settle my worries? Thank you x

Gary A
27-03-15, 14:41
Most side affects would come with very prolonged use, I'm sure your doctor knows this. You have made a wise decision to not read the side affects, as anxiety has a habit of making your body do exactly what you're scared of. Any possible side affects should be reported to your doctor. Take the medication as stated and above all, don't worry, you've been given it to make you better, not worse.

27-03-15, 14:46
My son take it for his asthma when he have a flare up and I do notice he have trouble sleeping and extra hyper while on it but everyone react differently to medicine so it might not affect you.

27-03-15, 15:43
I've started taking it.... But opted for a lower dose than suggested (20 rather than 30). I know I know I shouldn't mess with the dose but it's made me feel better about taking it. Better than leaving it on the shelf right?. Maybe if the first dose doesnt bother me, I will take the full dose tomorrow? Maybe...

28-03-15, 14:22
Just in case anyone else searches and finds this thread, day 2 of taking prednisolone, 25mg today and so far so good. Horrible muscle aches last night, which is normal apparently! Other than that.... Just a reduction in the symptoms I was given the steroids to treat! �� fears about aggravated anxiety not yet confirmed! My ' fairly good spell' continues :-)

28-03-15, 17:55
I would honestly encourage you to take the full dose regardless of anxiety symptoms (I got extremely cranky, lol! Couldn't even stand myself, Ha ha!) Not the same thing as classic anxiety, at least it wasn't for me. I was uncomfortable in my own skin, yes, but moreso I felt angry and cranky. Best to keep to myself, I found. It is a normal s/e for anyone taking it, but the quicker you are over the chest infection the quicker you are done taking it! But I took the full dose. I have had a very bad chest infection I got while travelling, which meant emergency treatment and 5 different antibiotics. I suffered with it for months and right into the summer. I don't know if I would have survived it had I been elderly. Please don't mess around with this. A few days of heightened anxiety is survivable. A chest infection can be life-threatening.

28-03-15, 18:30
What dose were u taking sadnomore?

28-03-15, 22:49
Hi I took 25mg for a month and a half. I was extremely worried about going on it, so I took a half dose for a few days to build up to it. Not gonna lie, it did make me feel weird... It makes you feel more sensitive to every emotion... I also wanted to ram the car in front when stuck in traffic! It was actually worse coming off it.. But then I was on for longer.

28-03-15, 23:26
I'm afraid it was 2 winters ago now, so I don't remember the dose. I was only on it 3 or 4 days, so I do know it was very strong. But on a positive note, it dispatched the chest infection in short order. These things can be so nasty! I realize that prednisone is no picnic, either, but we need to get the upper hand on this kind of infection asap. Even if it means snarking at everybody, ha ha!

---------- Post added at 17:26 ---------- Previous post was at 17:17 ----------

I am afraid that since this was a couple of years ago, I don't remember, only that it was a very high dose given for only 3 or 4 days. I am pretty sure it was just 3. It was a pig-dog to be on, I suggest just distracting yourself with things that don't involve any other people (lol!) Movies on tv, treats for meals and snacks. Bunker down in your bedroom as much as possible. Be prepared (and prepare those who live with you) for extreme irritability on your part, which must be borne, but only for a very short time. It was a relief to come off of it and find it had dispatched the infection! I think because it was so strong it afforded rapid treatment, and the withdrawal was not noticeable to me. Good luck! What is the duration you are prescribed for?

29-03-15, 00:35
5 days, one dose a day, so 2 doses down and I think im feeling the benefits and no particular side effects yet.... Yet.... I will be glad to see the back of the infection tho.

29-03-15, 02:14
Exactly! There's the spirit! Time will pass quickly (although it won't especially feel like it for the days after the s/e kick in). You're doing the right thing, and you will see the back of it sooner than later, so worth it! Hang in there! :bighug1:

30-03-15, 22:47
So the good news is I have my last dose of steroid tomorrow! Other good news is I saw the nurse this morning (daughters appointment) and she checked my chest and said it was vastly improved but still crackly. So the bad news is I suspect I will be back at drs Wednesday after my meds are done for more antibiotics because it's not gone :-( but the steroid has done its job so far and more importantly, no side effects! Soo.... On going, if anyone's interested!

(One day someone will seek this thread for prednisolone and be relieved to read there were no side effects!! At all for me so far!! Lol)

01-04-15, 00:28
Oh, that's wonderful!! No side effects! Well, now this bodes well for you girl! AND for others who come along for a read, as you say! :D Kind of you to share your positive experience! Yes, you should be out of the woods now insofar as your chest getting worse. Good luck with getting all better now! :bighug1: