View Full Version : I feel like a bobblehead with my pulse. Tremor? Anyone else?

27-03-15, 15:29

I have a variety of anxiety disorders. Lately, I've been getting this very odd sensation that is hard to explain and I was wondering if anyone else has ever run across it or experienced it. It would make me feel better if other people have heard of this so I can help myself just forget about it so it goes away if it is just anxiety related.

Basically, I can feel my pulse/blood flow/heartbeat. It isn't pounding or going too fast or too slow or missing beats or anything like that. I just feel the blood moving through my body sometimes, along with a slight derealization. I mainly feel this is my back/legs/arms/neck. Sometimes its the pumps of the blood and sometimes it just feels like a constant stream, like it's passing through a nozzle. As it does so, various parts of my body move along with it. This can be my hands (if I'm holding my phone, I can see my phone bob with my pulse) or a general feeling in my legs, etc. I also find myself swaying back and forth, like I'm on a mini rocking chair. Kinda like a tremor, I guess? Usually this is just my head doing that but lately its been my whole body/trunk. My head will start moving a very small amount back and forth, left and right, front and back, or nodding up and down, like a bobblehead. It's a very tiny amount that it moves back and forth. I have a hard time stopping it, even when I specifically try to. I've been getting tinging/numbness in my fingers/toes sometimes too but I know that is probably just anxiety because I've experienced that before.

I'm currently on (new) medication, Mirtazapine, although this was happening before I started on that. Benzos are hit or miss on making it better. I have had 2 ECGs (both in Jan) and they were fine. Multiple Xrays of my chest and they were fine too. Last bloodwork I had (about 2 months ago) was good. Blood pressure is generally normal and my pulse can be a little elevated (probably from just being worried about it) but nothing crazy. No more than 100 at any time. My doc told me to wait out the weekend and see how it goes so I doubt its anything super serious but with my health anxiety sometimes I just need reassurance that I'm not crazy and everything is going to be okay from people that have actually experienced it. I'm trying to get out of that cycle but sometimes I just want to hear from other people. I'm probably just making it worse by thinking about it instead of discounting it.

Thank you for your time,