View Full Version : coffee

27-03-15, 18:38
Anyone notice that they are more prone to a panic / anxiety attack about 30 mins after coffee?

It's been a long, sleepless week with the baby. I have been taking my "panic attack meds" and have been hanging in pretty well... I had coffee around 1:30pm and all of a sudden at my desk, my mind wandered.. I started worrying about my feet feeling weird / crampy.. then adrenaline... scared of a panic attack, so I took the medicine

....but it takes sometime to kick in...

i work on an island with a ferry that comes on the hour. I leave on the 3:30 and need to get through the next hour without freaking out.

27-03-15, 18:47
Yes. I love coffee but I had to stop drinking it for a bit because coffee and anxiety is not a good mix. It was making me very jittery and more anxious.

27-03-15, 18:54
i don't know how i will be able to function without at least having the morning cup.

the one in the morning doesn't cause the trouble.

it's the one at 1pm. It's also a different brand of coffee... i wonder if it's more caffeinated


27-03-15, 18:58
I had the same problem and still do. Some days I get less done because I haven't had coffee. It's not easy. Do you normally drink coffee on an empty stomach or with food? The coffee might be too strong. I know I use starbucks which is very strong.

27-03-15, 19:04
the morning, I go with DD... i've been drinking it for more than a decade so I feel like my system is used to it. YEP empty stomach for the morning one... lol

afternoon, i use whatever K cups they have at the office... no bueno.

oh man, starbucks makes me nuts!

27-03-15, 19:11
Haha I was always an empty stomach coffee drinker too, but when my anxiety got bad I cut coffee out. Once I go back I don't think I'll drink it on an empty stomach anymore though. This is certainly normal though. Coffee and anxiety is just not a good mix lol.

27-03-15, 19:18
damn the coffee gods!

btw - thanks... you helped me get through this episode almost immediately!!!

27-03-15, 19:38
damn the coffee gods!

btw - thanks... you helped me get through this episode almost immediately!!!

Haha no problem I'm glad I could help out. :)

This Charming Man
27-03-15, 19:48
Not only coffee but tea....I now drink the de caffeinated stuff, which is no different, and I also avoid coke although I treat myself once in a while. Life on the edge eh! Lol


27-03-15, 19:50
Funnily enough me and my other half were talking about this the other day. He very rarely drinks coffee and when he does it is usually only after a meal out. He said he finds coffee triggers his anxiety symptoms, especially chest tightness and palpitations.

Personally, I am pretty much ok with coffee - but when my anxiety flares up I try to drink tea instead.

I can really recommend Celestial Seasonings 'sleepy time' tea for when you are feeling anxious, especially good before bed :)

27-03-15, 22:50
I love a good, strong coffee! I used to suffer with panic disorder and pretty awful anxiety, and I found that coffee did actually make things worse. Coffee isn't something I wanted to give up though because it's one of my only guilty pleasures. I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I'm a relatively healthy eater. Instead, I cut back from having multiple coffees a day to having only one. And, instead of using a lot of coffee to get a stronger flavour, I started using one spoon of 'normal coffee' and 2-3 spoons of 'decaf'. I still do it to this day even though I no longer suffer from much anxiety :)

28-03-15, 11:56
I agree any caffine drinks makes me on edge
,I now drink herbal tea. I was told by the doctor infact 2 doctors to knock it on the head.
So I make a squash to take to work and take couple tea bags with me everyday.