View Full Version : *Newbie here* Panicking about Cervical cancer!!

27-03-15, 19:51
I've been panicking about plenty of different things over the past few weeks; blood clots, meningitis, appendicitis, heart attacks and mainly cervical cancer.

I know at least 6 women now whom have been diagnosed with it, and it's starting to make me panic more, I've tried to comfort myself by reading leaflets and stuff to see how it is developed etc, but it just made me feel worse! :weep:

It's only made me realize I have a very high chance of getting it (I have had a handful of sexual partners, most no protection, I am on the pill too) and now I am extremely panicky, elevated heart rate, breathing faster and I'm just bloody scared I'm going to die of it now as I am not old enough for a pap smear. :scared15:

27-03-15, 19:58
I recently got a smear test appointment due to my results for the one I got 18 months ago being nowhere to be found. I was terrified thinking they'd been mixed up and my letter was supposed to be for someone else. Anyway they found the results which were fine and the woman told me not to worry and all the scare stories you hear about young women having it are mainly due to them not attending regular smear tests. She also said cervical cancer actually takes a long time to develop and that's why it is very rare in younger women.

27-03-15, 20:04
Oh thank you! That's eased my mind a little bit, I've had the HPV jab when I was younger but I am still slightly afraid. But thank you for your quick reply!! xx

27-03-15, 22:31
How old are you? I think the process for pap smears varies a lot across countries. In Australia, they are recommended for any woman (18+) who has been sexually active. And from your first one here they recommend one every 2 years, however they are changing that to one every 5 years. This is probably because, as KeeKee mentioned, cervical cancer does take a long time to develop. I'm sure you could discuss this worry with your doctor and always request one if you are particularly concerned.

27-03-15, 23:09
Hi there, I am 19, 20 in August. I'm from the UK and I've been told people are denied here for pap smears as they are too young (age here is 25 for pap smear) but I may ask my doctor soon as it is generally worrying me quite a lot.

27-03-15, 23:36
Interesting how different the age gap is, isn't it? I don't think there is any harm in discussing this matter with your doctor, especially because it is bothering you a fair bit. Let them know why you are concerned and tell them from what age you have been sexually active, how many partners you have had and that most have been without protection. This information will help the doctor decide whether they think you should have one or not :)

11-04-15, 12:03
Hi :)
I know you posted a while ago but I thought I could reassure you. If you have any symptoms at all that worry you, go to your doc. If the symptoms continue, you can ask to be referred for a colposcopy examination which is where they look at the cervix closely with a microscope to check for abnormalities. If they see anything unusual, they can then take a smear. This can happen no matter what your age is! They treated me for an abnormal smear, but even that isn't anything to worry about, it just means they have found cells that MIGHT in future turn into something. I went through all the same worries as you, reading the horror stories etc but you've just got to be pro-active and push for a check up if you are worried about any symptoms :)

11-04-15, 14:52
Hi there,

If you're really concerned, you could push for a Pap smear. I'm reading an article on cervical cancer and, depending on how you interpret it, 70 or 99% of cases of cervical cancer are caused by HPV. So, if you had the jab, I think chances are you're safe :)

11-04-15, 15:00
I agree with Help1989. I have been going to the doctor regularly for the last year. They have taken cells off of my cervix with a laser. Bottomline. I think that this might be something that I have to deal with until all of the irregular cells are gone. I am a huge hypochondriac ( i am 39years old) and i freaked out and asked the doctor if it was serious and he said that what is serious is if you don't get your check ups. Also don't smoke. I used to smoke and quit a couple years ago and the doctor said that people don't clear the virus if they smoke. Just stay on top of your appts. My doctor also said that people in their twenties clear the virus within a year or two

11-04-15, 18:00
Thank you for the reassurance, I appreciate it A LOT! :hugs:

I saw the doctor and she said she refuses to do a pap smear until I am 25, she said if I am that worried to go privately and pay to have it done which I think I might do, just to put my mind at ease.
I did have The cervical cancer jab at school, but not sure how much it protects me against it to be honest, and glad I do not smoke!! Xx

11-04-15, 18:26
" Among persons not previously exposed to a targeted HPV type, the trials demonstrated nearly 100% vaccine efficacy in preventing cervical precancers, vulvar and vaginal precancers, and genital warts in women caused by the vaccine types" pretty well, I'd say!

Can I ask why they won't do Pap smears until 25?

11-04-15, 18:32
Emily, thank you for the statistics! Very reassuring! :D
Well the doctor said she didn't want to do a pap smear because they can find abnormal cells, which naturally go away on their own without treatment but instead if they found them, they'd have to treat them and waste time and medicines. Something along those lines, but I would like to get it done privately because I have had multiple sex partners at a young age too and some without protection, so it is quite a high risk factor according to leaflets and such I have read.

11-04-15, 18:47
Fair enough. I think the HPV vaccine would preclude you from HPV form these encounters but it would depend when you got them.

Surely they would be able to distinguish between abnormal and precancerous cells on a smear anyway? In Australia, they suggest having one beginning at age 21 (I think) or two years after you become sexually active.

11-04-15, 18:59
Yes my memory is not that great, sadly!
I have no idea, But the doctor really seemed like she didn't want to go down that route of a pap smear so I just took no for an answer and I will go elsewhere to have it done. I am not sure why the UK age is so late, there are a few stories around of young girls aged 18-24 dying of cervical cancer, it is quite upsetting really I think it should be lowered, like as you said, two years after becoming sexually active.