View Full Version : Always think i have cancer. Am I alone?

28-03-15, 03:25
So over the last 6 months I've been positive I've had mouth/nose/lung/colon/thyroid/prostate cancer and lymphoma. I keep finding something and then going to the worst case scenario. Like right now I'm worried I have colon cancer, I've always had weird bowel movemnts, but didn't think much of it, just thought it was normal. Then i started getting a pain in my left hip/lower back/beside front of left hip. I googled it, and colon cancer came up as something that can cause this in latter stages. Then when i read other symptoms, it was a check list of my bowel digestive system. Weird stool,gas,bloating ect... so they gave me a Fecal Occult Blood Test for microscopic blood and it came back negative. That made me a feel good for a few days but now i'm back to being worried about it. I'm only 31 and its very very unlikely that it could be that. But i'm always thinking the worst. Because all my symptoms are also IBS symptoms. I really can't deal with this stress anymore it is consuming me. I am obsessed with thinking i'm dying. I can't concentrate on anything els. I know its not normal, and I will just stand in the shower and cry because I just want to be normal again. And feel normal again.

28-03-15, 04:33
going threw the same thing, ended up doing a bunch of radiological tests now im afraid they will kill me. Endless fear, they say ocd medication can help but then that crap gives me symptoms. I can't take my own advice but all I can say is today at the hospital I wrote a quote to myself "Live life while you got it" I can't follow it but am going to try as of today to let the professionals do their job/ Second today is day one off google diagnoses (stay off the net that is what led to me doing 2 cts of the abdomen and a bone scan at 26. Not sure if you've gone as far as me but I hope the best for both of us. Internet is the route of the disease on my side

28-03-15, 13:37
Today I asked my boyfriend if he is afraid of going on a plane today on his holiday and I was so shocked when he said 'No, I used to be a worrier but then I realised if I died it wouldn't matter because I'd be gone! I'm more worried about the people around me dying. If I was paralysed and had poor quality of life I'd rather die as you're not enjoying life anymore. That's worrying,'
I used to think back when I was young and all my friends said their worst fear was dying and I generally couldn't comprehend it because spiders were WAY more frightening!

But alas I am with you in this boat. I feel so ill almost every day and go to the worst case scenario. I even think I have it when I feel fine which is ridiculous!

Also, just as an aside, senalarose; you get 0.1microSv of radiation from eating a banana, 100microsSv from a chest x-ray and 10,000microsSV from a CT scan.
In comparison, the max yearly dose for radiation workers is 50,000microSv and the yearly radiation you get from living is 2400 microSv!
100,000microSV is the min dose of radiation that you an get in a year where increased rick of cancer is present.
You will be fine!

28-03-15, 16:06
Today I asked my boyfriend if he is afraid of going on a plane today on his holiday and I was so shocked when he said 'No, I used to be a worrier but then I realised if I died it wouldn't matter because I'd be gone! I'm more worried about the people around me dying. If I was paralysed and had poor quality of life I'd rather die as you're not enjoying life anymore. That's worrying,'

That's spot on! Look, I get it. I really do. Cancer sucks. I had it. I do worry occasionally about it coming back but like my heart attacks and then getting cancer, I realize I have no control over it and having actually passed away on the table during my first heart attack, the above is true. You won't be concerned about your fears or anything else because you'd be gone.

If something serious happens, you'll deal with it. Plain and simple. What other choice do you have? I understand it's about not having control but that's just the way it is. You have no more control about cancer as you do getting in a car accident. That being said, like being in a car accident, you DO have control of the car like you have control of how you take care of your body. Common sense dictates eating right, exercising, not smoking and doing the things that keep you as healthy as you can be both physically and mentally. If you're physically ill, you see a medical doctor. If you're mentally ill you see a mental health professional. You treat the real illness to help eliminate the symptoms.

Positive thoughts

28-03-15, 20:05
You're definitely not alone.

28-03-15, 23:33
Not all the time, only when I have HA periods. It is still worrying...

08-04-15, 12:08
Hi. You are definitely not alone. Im the same and have had 20 years of it. Put my family and children through hell. Ive just had results of a two year follow up ct for nodules in lungs. If I hadnt pushed for the scan 2 yrs ago I wouldnt have ever known they were there. Am now getting head symptoms and ear pressure and am terrified of a brain tumour. My new gp is crap and doesnt know how to deal with HA. Very anti-anxiety. Just says anything is possible but I dont want to hear that! Feel free to message me if youd like a chat :)