View Full Version : What is with this vein that came to my forehead last night ?

28-03-15, 12:56

^ see picture above first

Hey, so to cut a long story short since November I've felt spaced out and out of it 24/7, thoughts feel foggy, looking around me seems even foggier. Unable to keep much trail of thought or time as the day passes. My ears also ring a lot too and I feel dizzy. It's horrible living like this.

Anyway it's not the first time it's happened (or iv noticed it's happened) but last night, already feeling out of it from another miserable week I went round my friends to hang out and have a few beers to try and ease my mid, looked in the mirror and I have this giant vein in my forehead, pulsating.

I'm waiting for the results of my sinus CT Scan and MRI scan although they said the doctor would have looked at my results Tuesday and it's now Saturday I haven't heard anything so I don't think it would be too serious but I'm sick of all this :( any answerrs, advice or words of comfort especially if you've experienced all of the above would be appreciated xx

28-03-15, 20:30
To be honest, mate, your best bet is to see what the doc says. As even if someone did have similar on here, it could have a totally different cause.

As an aside, does it only come up after beers?