View Full Version : appendicitis

28-03-15, 19:30
Hi all sorry to post again but I had pain start in my lower back yesterday at 3:pm and I started to panic it was appendicitis, I usually wouldn't cause I get a lot of kidney infections and know that causes back pain, I should also point out that my work involves a lot of bending and such so I could essentially get muscle probs.* Anyway I got this pain in my back that was horrible but got better with rest, so much so me and my bf could play fight and wrestle this morning.*
I went to work everything was fine but after lifting lots of heavy bags and bending the pain got bad again and I started to get a pain just below my pelvic bone, and into my vagina.... This pain got worse when I strained to see if it was there and such. I just wanna know how likely this is to be appendicitis,* any help would be great. thanks x