View Full Version : Anyone else worry about others getting ill?

28-03-15, 19:53

My HA is getting MUCH better at the moment. My parents took my computer away from me for 4-5 days and I've improved massively. I've told myself I'm not going to Google anymore, which is successful at the moment.

My real question is that does anyone else worry more about their family members becoming ill than they do themselves? Because recently I haven't really been worrying about myself, I've been worrying about people in my family. If anyone I live with gets tired and takes a nap, then I'll automatically assume that it's cancer. Seriously, that's how I'm thinking at the moment.

Is anyone else like this at all, or is it just me? For once, I'd rather be worrying about myself, because it's awful being under the impression that someone you're close to has a serious illness.

Toby :)

28-03-15, 21:19
There will always be worries Toby, at the minute its about your family, when you are older it will be about your partner, then older again it will be about your kids. But, you just have to accept that there will be some worries, but also carry on with normal life.

None of us can prevent illness, but we can keep an eye out for symptoms - Just don't focus on it too much. A lot of serious illnesses have clear cut signs sooner or later. So, being aware of others health is good, its when it becomes a main focus that its a problem.

You certainly sound better, so keep with it, be aware of others, but not too aware, and enjoy your young life. You will have serious things to worry about when you are older, like work, family, bills etc, so enjoy your worry free years for as long as you can :)

28-03-15, 22:57
Thanks for the kind reply :)

It's just the thought of losing that family member and watching them suffer that upsets me. Being a hypochondriac, ailments get blown out of proportion with me and I keep asking my mum if she's fatigued etc and it is annoying her.

Anyway, I'm trying my hardest to make myself see sense and my overall worries seem to be improving :)

29-03-15, 02:48
Yep- my mum eats way too much salt and has palpitations occasionally, so if I let it cross my mind I worry so much that she'll have a heart attack- she thinks she's fine but a lot of people don't have any symptoms first. However, we can never know for sure that everyone will be ok. It's normal to worry about the health of ourselves and others but also important not to let them get out of proportion; which should happen as you continue with therapy and get your HA under control :)

29-03-15, 02:52
I find the thought of a family member getting ill to be a lot harder than myself getting ill. I don't really get anxious about it the same way that I get anxious about myself. I just find the idea to be a lot more disturbing, especially my parents.
Also, glad you got your anxiety under wraps for now :)

29-03-15, 14:43
I find I worry about my husband a lot. If he gets a headache, I worry about it. I have to watch myself because I would worry a lot about his moles (he has a lot of moles that are all weird looking to me). We've had a couple of conversations about it .. more than a couple honestly, and I am working on trusting him to go to the doctor if it is something he is concerned about. It used to be hard to trust him because he didn't even have a primary doctor (young guy in his twenties, guess that's not too abnormal), but in more recent years he has started to take better care of himself and has a doctor. So that has helped.

Try to trust others around you to monitor their own health. It's not yours to worry about. It is hard though and I can really relate to you.