View Full Version : advice please

29-03-15, 17:17
Hi all, i know iI have posted about this before, but I really can't shake this fear, I have a boney bump on my collarbone which I know has been there a long time, at the back of this bump, there seems to be a long rope like muscle I can feel, also behind this boney bump there also feels like fatty tissue, now this bump is directly in the middle of the collarbone, you can't see it and you can only feel it if you press down on it, the muscle bump seems to attach to the muscle at the back and attach to the collarbone, it hasn't got any bigger, it doesn't hurt, I have had quite a few accident one going over the handle bars on my bike, someone hitting me from behind in my car causing whiplash and one were I fell on the ice, no I know I have ocd and have been worried recently about different symptoms, but can anyone put my mind at test, I really ddon't want to go to docs as I'mto scared, also I can only feel this on one side thanx xx

29-03-15, 17:44
Could it possibly be just a benign painless bony lump, muscle or fatty tissue that's been there for a long time and you can only feel when you press down on it?

Positive thoughts

29-03-15, 17:49
It could be a cyst. My Mum had one of those by her collarbone for years (7 or 8 I think) and she wouldn't go to the doctor.You could actually see this one, you could see the lump by the collarbone but she was fine and it was just a cyst.

What her doctor did tell her was that she should have gone to see him a lot sooner, even just to put her mind at rest.

29-03-15, 18:30
Thanx for your replies, it feels like a tight tendon, perhaps I damaged it and it has healed weird xx