View Full Version : Sudden hit of dizziness...

30-03-15, 00:11
Just wondering if anyone has had this. I've experienced it on and off for about two years. It's probably happened literally a total of 15 times ever (starting a couple of years ago). But what will happen is I'm going about my business, and suddenly everything will suddenly jerk to the left or right really quickly... imagine what you're looking at just suddenly rotating 45 degrees and then back again in the space of half a second and then I feel really dizzy for 5 minutes or so afterwards. It's really quite jarring. has anyone experienced anything like it before?

Gary A
30-03-15, 00:51
Sounds like benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV. This can be quite easily corrected by your GP. Have you been to a doctor with it?

30-03-15, 01:04
Well I mentioned it a couple of years ago but it got ignored... since then, because I've had other things worrying me I've undergone numerous blood tests and two brain MRIs which are all clear... Could you tell me more about BPPV? I don't Google anything any more for fear of seeing something I don't want to see... What causes it?

Gary A
30-03-15, 01:46
It's a harmless condition that causes brief periods of dizziness upon turning your head in certain directions. It's caused by tiny fragments coming loose in the inner ear. Doctors can perform certain manoeuvres to correct it. If you've had this for two years and had clear MRI's and blood work I think this may be the cause of your dizziness. See your doctor, as I said, if it is BPPV it's very easily fixed. Of course, it may also be caused by anxiety, but the brief nature of these bouts and the fact you've only had it a handful of times would really suggest BPPV to me.

30-03-15, 10:33
Thanks, I appreciate the info. I even stopped having it for the last 6 months or so and then suddenly the last two days it's back again. I always fear it will happen while I'm driving which would be extremely scary. The general 'hit' only lasts a split second, but in that split second it's as if everything in my vision lurches to the side. :/

Gary A
30-03-15, 12:20
Whatever it is it certainly doesn't sound in any way serious. I think it's either BPPV or anxiety, I really do. Both aren't pleasant but they're physically harmless. BPPV is actually the most common cause of dizziness. I really would encourage you to follow up with your doctor as both can be treated relatively easily.

30-03-15, 13:18
I definitely will, appreciate the information :)