View Full Version : My panic attacks have become terrifying

30-03-15, 10:20
I've been having panic attacks for quite a Few years, I'm agoraphobic (and a bit claustrophobic). In the past my panic attacks ended quickly as soon as I left the situation that caused me to panic. Recently I've been having panic attacks in places that are new to me, and are now not just due to feeling trapped therefore I can't 'escape' the situation. Like at home in the middle of the night. Sitting in my living room, anywhere really. I feel like I'm always only one thought away from losing control.

When I google panic attacks lots of info talks about how people think they're having heart attack etc. that's not me. I know what's happening but I can't control the mental thoughts. The physical symptoms don't bother me. It's the mental ones, I'm completely terrified. I have for the first time in my life felt suicidal over the last few months at the thought of having to live in this fear. I don't know how to control it, it's more frightening than any real threat or situation ive been in, and I've had afew!

There's loads more to my story so I won't bore you all with it now. I'm struggling :weep:

30-03-15, 12:53
Hi, I know how you feel . I dread getting up in the morning because the fear starts straight away. I know its the panic attacks and not that im having a heart attack but it doesnt make it any better. Have had cbt therapy and on waiting list for more intense therapy. I find the diazepam my doctor prescribed helps. Are you on medication?

30-03-15, 13:32
Hi, thanks for replying. I stayed away from medication for years then last December I was so bad I went to see a gp who first prescribed a beta blocker. That didnt work as it didnt help the thoughts. Then he prescribed sertraline. I only took 1 tablet and it made me feel even worse. I went back to gp he said he didn't think there was any more he could do! This resulted in a turn for the worse for me, I felt that all hope was lost as I'd always had the thought that medication was always there for me one day if I got really bad.

I've since started cbt (my 3rd lot of cbt) which in a way makes me feel a bit better just as I have that bit of hope again that I'm seeing someone each week and I'm not so alone in my fears. But cbt will soon be coming to an end. I don't really think my therapist fully understands how I feel, it's a lot of do what you fear eg you're scared of buses so go on them! Not that easy.

I did go back to my gp again and asked for diazepam and sleeping tablets which I now have, but I haven't taken any as yet. Part of me is scared to take them just in case they don't work, which will then leave me feeling like there are no other options to take..

---------- Post added at 13:32 ---------- Previous post was at 13:31 ----------

Ps what therapy is the more intense one that you're waiting for? Are your fears of anything in particular?

30-03-15, 15:04
Have suffered with this for 20 yrs on and off been on venlafaxine for probably about 15 of them . Panic attacks and agoraphobia avoidance of using public transport going anywhere where there isnt a loo. At the moment its just a constant fear of being frightened if that makes sense . Have been off work for 6 months almost. I found the cbt not particularly helpful therapist didnt really get that 8 sessions was nt going to cure 20 yrs of problems. Take the diazepam it does help but try and see different dr who is more u derstanding. I'm lucky with mine he understands completely. Dont know what this next therapy is just been told its an hour session for up to 24 sessions. I like you feel suicidal sometimes because I dont know how much longer I can cope, but somthing deep inside me tells me to keep fighting. Knowing there are people out there who feel exactly the same doesnt make feel so alone

03-04-15, 08:53
Panic attacks are quite irritating and scary, epically if you have no idea what a panic attack is. When I had one, I though I was dying and I had quite bad chest pain afterwards so I thought it was a heart attack, which lead me to very bad anxiety.

The best thing to do, is try to remain calm, and use this little trick: pretend that anxiety and panic attacks, good for you, and can't kill you.

best wishes. :hugs:

04-04-15, 09:33
Anxiety and panic attacks are really hard to deal with. The fear, the sensations, the emotions that come with panic attacks are sometimes really hard to overcome.

Unfortunately this is a real part of our lives and we have to deal with it.

I recommend not fighting those nasty panic attacks, I know this is our first reaction but try just to give in and see what happens. Nothing bad to you will happen!

Knowing this will help you in the future not to be so scared when panic strikes once again.

Hope this helps,
Take care!