View Full Version : just need somebody to chat too

30-03-15, 10:57
Hey all, im new to the forum and have recently been diagnosed with GAD.

a bit of background info...ive been struggling with panic attacks for the last 4ish years. All that time it never entered my head that I was suffering from anxiety I seriously thought I was diabetic. I would randomly feel extremely faint, shaky, tense and that I had to lie down. of course I convinced myself I needed my bloods checked but not being a fan of the doctors I lived with it. 2 months ago it got that bad and consistent I braved the doctors. I was given a blood testing kit. it took me 5 days to actually use the kit (good old needle phobia) and I was so shocked that my bloods were totally fine. all this time and there was nothing! I was positive it was my bloods as when I would eat the faintness would go away. amazing what your mind can do! anyway on going back to the doctor he explained about anxiety and what he actually thought was the problem from first meeting me (hes fab)

Ive spiralled these last 6 weeks. im constantly anxious. I cant think of anything other then my anxiety and that I am going to feel faint and the horrible feeling that I just cant cope and everything is going to go wrong. its basically destroying my life.

Ive been taking beta blockers for just over a week which are easing the physical symptoms although I seem to constantly have mild chest pains. I saw my doctor again and he thinks I need more than the beta blockers and has prescribed me fluoxetine. im petrified to take it because in my head im convinced im going to get a lot worse before I get better and I cant cope with that right now. just feeling totally lost. ive told very few people and although the support has been great they don't get why I cant "just take it" but its never that easy if you suffer from anxiety is it! I no I need to. when I do get the feeling that I just cannot cope it scares the hell out of me :(

well done if you've read this far about my ramblings! looking forward to talking to people who understand.

30-03-15, 11:15

You are not alone in your fear of medication, I have it too. Even the idea of simple vitamins send me into a spin, so welld on taking beta blockers!

30-03-15, 11:25
Just try and keep positive thinking and think about some good things in your life .
Anxiety is crippling as I am dealing with it for the last 10 years .
The medication your doctor wants you on is safe and do not Google all the side affects as you will think you have all of them .
I am always here to chat.
Try and ask your doctor for a cbt course as a lot of people have found that this helps your negative & fearful thoughts . I can't comment on the cbt as I am on the waiting list at present .
Try and keep positive and try if possible to take your mind of it and try to relax with something you enjoy doing .

30-03-15, 11:36
Keep telling yourself that 'the sooner I get these med's into me then the sooner I will start to feel better'. I'm 2 weeks in taking my tablets and yes things got worse but I think I am now coming out the other side. You might not even have any side effects bcos they don't affect everyone. I know it's hard because I have been there :)

30-03-15, 17:35
thank you everyone. I want to take them but I really really don't want to feel worse. the anxiety is a nightmare but I can cope, at the moment. but when I occasionally get that horrible "I cant cope feeling" its the worst. I don't know what I will do if I feel that more :( its half term and I have the 3 kiddies to look after. I don't want to feel worse but i'll be back to work then in 3 weeks so now is prob the best time. the dr is keeping me on the beta blockers for now so at least I wont get the physical effects. You're right I may not get any! I was like this with the beta blockers and now im nervous when I don't take them!! cant win!!! I need to do it soon as I have an apt with the dr in just over 2 weeks to see how im coping on them.

EDIT: ive taken it. I just on impulse ran upstairs and took my first fluoxetine. PETRIFED. I don't want to think about side effects can anyone give me any tips or advice? id like to hear from all the people who had no side effects. how long did you take to feel better? is there a better time of day to take them?

30-03-15, 23:09
Well done!! :D I cant give you any advice on tablets because I never got as far as you did!

31-03-15, 10:32
Thank you mart. I'm ok but god I'm on edge! I'm fighting with myself to not make up symptoms. I'm getting waves of panic but I'm sure its not the tablet its me. I really hate this :-( I hate waking up and having the horrible dread/butterfly feeling about starting a new day. I'm fed up of constantly anticipating anxiety. I keeping thinking when I take another one I'm going to wake up feeling like I can't cope. I really hate this but I no I've got to try everything as I can't live my life with this. I've got so much to look forward to and be thankful for but I can't see past the anxiety

31-03-15, 12:47
One day at a time, easy for me to say I know but the hightened anxiety is almost certainly your thinking rather than the meds, bearing in mind they take two weeks to get into the system and start working its unlikely you would have any side effects yet, Try distracting yourself for a whie and focus on how much better you will feel in a few weeks!