View Full Version : Headaches - Sleepy

30-03-15, 12:19
Hi Guys,

For the past week and a half, I have been experiencing severe headaches and I have also been very sleepy.

I went to my doctor, and he believes that the headaches are relating to muscle tension.

He took a blood pressure reading and told me that if something was wrong in my brain, my blood pressure and pulse rate would not be normal.

The thing is, they aren't getting better, and today I am literally falling asleep at my desk. I cant stop yawning!

I haven't been anxious for a while, but persistent problems cause my anxiety to flare up. Can anyone maybe help me out a little bit?

Gary A
30-03-15, 12:28
If the headaches were caused by a brain problem, it would be down to raised intracranial pressure. This would give you constant headaches, you'd be vomiting badly and would also be horribly nuaseas. Your doctor is also right in that your blood pressure would not be normal. It's most probably tension headaches, try to relax yourself more and if you're tired all the time it's most likely fatigue brought on by anxiety. Try to rest more, take some over the counter pain relief for the headaches and make sure you stay well hydrated.

30-03-15, 17:24
Have you had your eyes tested recently? I haven't been wearing my glasses and have been getting the worst headaches/tired eyes.