View Full Version : 30 minutes of chest pain arm & now jaw

30-03-15, 18:57
I was eating my tea (takeaway) and my mother in law was coming I had put the pizza box's on the rug so as I knew she was coming I grabbed them and ran into the kitchen so I wouldn't get a telling off about money ect ect lol anyways I sat down acting normal then I got centre chest pain like a kinda prick/sharp moving pain it then went into my left and stayed and then moved into arm.and chest same time moving so I think heart attack my chest gradually getting tighter and heavy and my throat it's definitely a heart attack but why aren't I ringing a ambulance ? I don't get it ? The pain then moves into left jaw too and I Google which the only explanation is heart attack ! I have had funny breathing problems all day I'm freaking out a little now I'm not panicking but I'm very worried but I can't dial 999 why ? Is this because I know deep down im.not having one ? Can you get symtosm without it been a heart attack then I have the worry what if it is and I'm ignoring it !! I don't know what to do somebody please give me advice I have had ecgs about 10 in last year a 24 holter a heart echo blood tests but still I believe I'm heading for a heart attack

30-03-15, 19:42
I always say, if you're having a heart attack, you wouldn't be posting on a forum waiting for answers. Having had two, there was no mistaking it. That, all the clear tests and your age disqualifies that.

One thing that stood out was the thing about your mother-in-law coming and giving you some grief about finances and such. Perhaps that situation presented itself as an anxiety/stressful/fight or flight related situation, thus the chest pain.

Positive thoughts

31-03-15, 21:31
Thank you although I have chest pain today I still think it was stress so sorry to hear you have had two your very strong x