View Full Version : crying - will it ever stop?!

19-01-07, 16:40
Hello all,
Been diagnosed with depression and on prozac, but thinking of changing to escitalopram. Been on it for about 10 days now and thought I was getting a bit better - had stopped crying quite as much etc etc. However, I now find I am shaking and trembling with muscle spasms and crying loads again, too! I know it can take 4-6 weeks for meds to kick in, but this is pants!! Can't go back to work yet, either. pah. Just feel fed up and shaky!!

Any words of encouragement from others?!

19-01-07, 17:08
Hey seeker

I cant feel what you feel but i can empathise. These drugs take a long time to kick in, but when they do the transformation can be overnight and dramatic. I would say stick with them. if after a month there is no change then they're not for you. Unfortunately the doctors who prescribe these dont seem to understand the mental torture patients go through going on and off these drugs. Im currently trying to come off efexor and the side effects are horrendous. some days i feel hopeless and others very good, the same when going on. These drugs are very powerful on the brain so sometimes what we feel is just the chemicals kicking in. Stick in there for a while. I know how hard it can be, but hopefully it will be worth it. But i would warn you, meds are not a long term solution. Good luck!

19-01-07, 17:08
please give the prozac a little more time. 10 days isn't that long (I know it will seem like a lifetime to you just now) I was on prozac for depression a few years ago and it was very effective, i wish I'd been given it this time. It took me at least a fortnight then it was a recovery over a period of time unti lI realised 'hey, I feel good!' then you realise you are crying less. even when it does take effect, you might have blips but that is what they are.
On saying that, if the prozac doesn't work, it may be worth changing.

Take care

"Today is the day before tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day." wisdom of my daughter!

19-01-07, 17:15
thank you both - it's so difficult to remain rational when you feel like this, isn't it?! I know I need to give it a bit more time, and am quite confident in the drug's ability to sort out my mental state - I just need to keep reminding myself of it! I am hoping my physical health wil improve then, too.

20-01-07, 11:31
That's the way to go Seeker! The prozac I am sure will help, or some med will. Do you feel up to exercise? I know it can be a thought, but I have found that if I go for a run in the morning it helps me feel good for at least part of the day. It doesn't have to be a run though, a walk or running up and down stairs if you have them in your house. (I go on my kids trampolin[:I]) Trust me, if you can summon up the energy, get your heart pounding and raise those feel good endorphins!
By the way, I am much better at giving advice than listening to myself. I have let my physical exercise slip a bit!


"Today is the day before tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day." wisdom of my daughter!