View Full Version : Heart palps out of the blue

30-03-15, 19:40
I had a lot of heart worries last year and had an echo scan which gave me the all clear so I've not been worried about my heart for a long time.

But I'm just wondering - does anyone get random heart palps : fast heartbeat out of nowhere sometimes? I'm just laying down chilling and got that horrible heart palps feeling :-( but im relaxed..

30-03-15, 20:30
I'm going through a issue at the moment, normally soon as I start to walk it starts. Not all the time. I'm a bit like you in a bit of a state, although both my ecg came back OK. Just had one tonite.

31-03-15, 03:22
Yes this happens to me often. Generally what happens to me is there will be an anxiety provoking event which causes the palpitations. Sometimes there isn't a cause, but often if I think about it for a while I'll get an idea of what may have caused them. They can persist for months even after all my anxiety has gone. At my worst point I was getting them practically every minute.

31-03-15, 13:34
I had a lot of heart worries last year and had an echo scan which gave me the all clear so I've not been worried about my heart for a long time.

But I'm just wondering - does anyone get random heart palps : fast heartbeat out of nowhere sometimes? I'm just laying down chilling and got that horrible heart palps feeling :-( but im relaxed..

Yep, I think it comes more from being in a state of heightened anxiety more generally than being particularly anxious. I seem to get them most when I'm relaxed in bed, for instance.

Best wishes :)

31-03-15, 17:32
Thanks guys I woke up really ill today all flemmy and finding it hard to breath.

The palps are real bad too. Could it be linked to being unwell?