View Full Version : Health anxiety back- please help me :(

30-03-15, 19:47
Hi everyone,

So, I've been largely free of health anxiety for 4 years after CBT and medication. My big fear was MS- I am sure many people can relate. My doctor even sent me to see a neurologist who did an exam, but by the time I went my anxiety was under control and I was therefore symptom free.

Anyway, I've recently had a baby and have been suffering from postnatal depression. One day I was brushing my teeth when a worrying symptom popped up that I had years ago- a feeling of heat on my left leg only lasting a couple of seconds. Initially I was successful in brushing this off. However, it's happened several times since, while watching TV or chatting to someone, namely during times when I don't feel particularly anxious! Now, I have managed to attribute every ache and pain I've experienced since labour to MS and have whipped myself up into a frenzy :(. I've spent most of the day in tears feeling desperate.

Someone please give me some advice or words of encouragement...

30-03-15, 20:05
Hi Pan

I also have PND and crippling health anxiety. Hang on in there. Have you told your GP about the health anxiety? I did and they were v understanding. Just started with a new therapist to try to combat it. All the best. X

30-03-15, 20:10
Hi, thanks for the reply. I have seen the doc, but it wasn't my usual one so I just explained that I would like to restart my antidepressants. I see my normal doc next week so I will talk to him then. I feel desperate at the thought of going through it all again :( and the niggling thought that there is actually something wrong with me. I hope you manage to feel better soon xx

31-03-15, 01:23
I understand. I first had Health Anxiety in 2009. It came back after the birth of my daughter. Exhausting, isn't it? Hope your GP can help. I'm trying hard to re read the books etc and take in therapy. Head still spins a few hundred times a day though. Good luck with the Dr. Xx

31-03-15, 08:04
Yes it is exhausting and frightening. Especially now there's not just me to look after. I'm at the point where I just want to push people away because if there was something wrong with me, they'd leave me in the end anyway, and even if there isn't, it seems I'm never going to be completely free of this anxiety and no one should have to put up with that :(. I just feel like I want to hide away from everyone xx