View Full Version : scared of blood poisoning

31-03-15, 02:10
So I have a bad tooth that abscessed about two weeks ago I went to the dentist and he gave me antibiotics and told me to book an appointment once finished for extraction. The antibiotics got rid of the abscess I called to make an appointment for extraction but had to cancel because my job wouldn't give me time off since I took so much time in the past. Now the abscess is on it's way back and it's only been two weeks since the antibiotics. I'm scared the abscess Maybe poisoning my blood now and I can't stop worrying this suck

31-03-15, 10:29
I had a similiar problem when having antibiotics for an absess before the tooth could be removed and what had happened was that the antibiotics had not been sufficient to complete the job. So, the pain started coming back. I was given a slightly longer course which cleared it up no problem and then I could come back for the tooth to be removed.

So, perhaps you just need another course to resolve the absess and you will be fine?