View Full Version : help for stomach problem anxiety symptom??

31-03-15, 10:31
Ive posted on this topic before but am still suffering just as bad.
If anyone has had stomach issues with anxiety please could you offer amsome advice??

Im still getting wierd loose bowel movements in the morning most days and also even when i have gone i still feel like there is more to come out and i have a bubbling stomach all day and alot of trapped gas that never seems to come out just bubble up in the stomach.

Also ive noticed that even when i (sorry tmi!!) wipe myself in the bathroom...its still brown on the paper and never is clean even when ive had a bowel movement. Its like theres always something there.

Its all caused by anxiety i know this but how can i stop fighting this type of symptom and just get on with life like the advice says?
I cant just get on with life when my stomach is always bubbling up and im never sure if i have to dash to have a bowel movement!!

Help please.


31-03-15, 14:59
Hi Lucy. Just want to let you know you are not alone in these issues. I have been living with anxiety for most of my life but it became more prominent for me after having my second child in 2009. I have experienced a long list of anxiety symptoms and stomach bowel changes are one of my newest symptoms. I too have a bubbling grumbling stomach and soft stools. I have been eating yogurt to calm and line my stomach which seems to help a lot. Perhaps you could give that a try for a week or two and see if it helps you?

31-03-15, 15:00
Hi Lucy,

I do understand what you are going through, as I am a sufferer of stomach problems connected to anxiety too.

I don't have diarrhea every day but if I am anxious it does strike. I control it with Imodium, which works fairly quickly - however I don't use Imodium every day. Have you been to see your GP - as chatting with him/her might put your mind to rest. There are also tablets that can help that he might be able to prescribe for you.

It is horrible, and it can strike at any moment and believe it or not it is very common but nobody talks about it. I try to just get on with my life and not let it worry me too much.

Take Care
Spot x

07-04-15, 23:05
Hi there,

Are you drinking enough water? Could be sticky stool caused by dehydration. Anxiety is likely to make you dehydrated. Have you ever visited the site calm clinic? It lists a bunch of anxiety symptoms and their causes.

I had a bowel cancer scare so I have been through all of the research about stools, i even had blood in the stool ( WORST SYMPTOM OF ALL) However, it turned out to be colitis - caused by anxiety - once my anxiety went away after my colonscopy as did the symptoms!!


Hope this helps,

