View Full Version : Hello

31-03-15, 16:08

I've just joined. I've suffered from anxiety for a long time and have periods when it's not really there at all and then something happens in my life and it shows up again. I've tried some CBT and counselling but not really in a good place at the mo. Wish there was a magic fix. I'm quite anti taking any medication as I really want to try and beat it without. I'm pretty much stuck in my house at the mo just about make it to the local shop.

31-03-15, 16:13
Hiya Scase82 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

31-03-15, 16:31
Glad to have you with us!

31-03-15, 19:17
Agoraphobia has a simple solution because it really is a simple problem with some complex symptoms. Doing only some CBT wouldn't likely have got you to this point.

If you did get to relaxation and coping skills, some good ones are in top tips, then you can try this.

Agoraphobia is about having control in the situation, not having control of the situation. This way it doesn't matter why you are doing it. Driving, flying or just going to the corner store are all the same to your mind. All survival skills are negative and negative thought triggers them. But triggers are just triggers what you do with them makes the difference.

"have to" is negative and triggers panic. "want to" is positive and not only doesn't trigger survival skills but gives you control.

Take back control. Pick something simple to start and repeat a Mantra that goes like this:
I don't "have to" (you don't do you) I'm doing this because I "want to" I really "want to". See with "want to" you have control of the situation even if you do not have control of the surrounding the situation is in. Use your coping skills to keep your mind on your mantra and go as far as you can and then go home. Repetition will replace the negative "have to" that is holding you back. This is cognitive, the advanced part of CBT. Changing thought patterns from negative to positive.

01-06-15, 11:20
Hi I noticed your from Bournemouth so am I x

01-06-15, 23:14

Welcome here. Fellow sufferer of anxiety / panic / agoraphobia

Am having an OK patch at the moment so please feel free to contact for support etc.... I found CBT very helpful, but am also using sertraline.