View Full Version : Newbie

31-03-15, 18:57
Hi there, I recently came across this site whilst googling various symptom to do with anxiety and panic attacks and decided that i would be good to have a safe place to talk about this stuff so here I am. I've suffered with mild anxiety and depression pretty much my whole life but until recently have deliberately avoided seeking medical help. However when my dad died last summer things came to a head and I end up in the doctors when i had a severe panic attack, although i didn't know that's what it was of course, i thought I was going to die! They prescribed my diazepam for when it gets bad although i try and avoid taking them if i can as they make me feel so detached. I had good spell where i thought i had a handle on things at last but lately it's flared up very badly and i'm not coping well at all. I find that reading other people's stories on here helps lot, just to know there are others going throught the same thing that understand. Who knows i may actually join in a conversation on here one day if i can get past the social anxiety of overanalysing every potential word and conversation to the point where i never say it!

31-03-15, 19:03
Hiya MetalYeti and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

31-03-15, 20:09
Welcome to the site :)

31-03-15, 21:43
And there are some of us that are here to share tips and information because we are cured and want to share the experience. Everyone should be free of this and I realize not every body can be for some very good reasons, but they can be a lot more free if they try.

01-04-15, 09:13
Thanks for the welcome guys :)