View Full Version : question id like to ask

31-03-15, 19:00
hi id just like to ask as ive been trying for 9yrs now to try and either overcome GAD or learn to live with it and still have a life but I still suffer with it 24/7 im not on meds im to scared to go down that road, ive had cbt 4 times over the yrs but cant have anymore because I wont take meds for it,ive always been scared of the anxiety I always let it win and I always end up at my gps or fone help lines for reassurance when I get the phisical symtoms and feeling scared and I don't know if that isn't helping me get better and keep fueling the anxiety, my conviedence is zero and myself asteem is the same, and I don't seem to be able to believe in myself if that makes sence. I foned a helpline up yesterday and told the helpliner how I am and she told me that because I keep asking for reassurance etc im just constantly fueling the anxiety and if I can start to reassure myself and learn to believe in myself and change my behaviour habits with the anxiety then the anxiety will get better.Could she be right in wat she is saying and maybe someone on here could give me their advice or tips thk you

31-03-15, 19:14
Yes, the Mind controls the Anxiety. You have to divert your thoughts, change them in to 'Positives' and keep busy with project, hobbies, and anything to occupy your Mind.

Say, for instance you have a sharp pain in the chest area. Don't think, 'Heart Attack', divert your worry thoughts to; 'Indigestion' or 'Heartburn'.

You sound like you are living in Fear and the 'Fear' fuels the Anxiety.

31-03-15, 23:14
Agree with Carnation, the reassurance needs to come from within, reach a point where you can say I'm ok.

Anxiety always takes the root of worst case scenario, it feels alien to believe anything less to start with. The trick is to start questioning your thinking 'Heart Attack' Ask yourself how likely is it? what else could these symptoms be? I used 'its just anxiety' It worked for me ;)

01-04-15, 01:49
Hi, I am new to this site. But am finding it so nice to hear that so many other people are feeling the same way as me.
I have just completed a course of CBT and I know that I need to challenge my thoughts but so often the thought has come and triggered a rush of adrenaline which causes the panic attack before I have even had a chance to challenge it. By that time it is too late as the adrenaline is pumping round.

01-04-15, 07:33
My therapist said to me that anxiety is often fear of not being able to cope with the unknown. So by giving in and always getting reassurance from others/avoiding stuff/other safety behaviours, you never get to see whether or not you can cope. So because you can never challenge your negative thoughts you believe them all the more, and continue to keep your confidence low and need to get reassurance from others to make sure you are ok. I don't know if that's any help at all, but you can expose yourself to scarier situations and not get reassurance even if you don't believe in yourself to begin with, because it's only afterwards you can reflect on how you did.

01-04-15, 08:46
Great advice, Kimberley.

01-04-15, 13:21
hi thk you all for replying back to me,and will take all your advice on board and try and stop fearing the anxiety and learn to reassure myself and learn to live with it as I think that's ware I think I have been going wrong all these yrs as I know it cant harm me or hurt me but for some reason my mind wouldn't let me believe it, I know it will be hard at first but in time hopefully the anxiety will be not so bad so thk you once again xx

01-04-15, 13:44
Remember Tricia, with anxiety you think you are being chased by a tiger, but when you stop running and turn to face it, it's actually just a kitten.