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19-01-07, 18:48
I was down at docs today for a few things and i mentioned to him about my head going freezing, he said he did not know what was causing this. This is worrying me as i thought that he would know. Has anyone any suggestions. Thanks.x

sheree ritchie

19-01-07, 20:24
Can you explain more about the sensation of freezing?


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

20-01-07, 09:38
Hi it is just like a coldness running through my head mostly on the left hand side if that helps hard to describe like a tingling sensation. thanks

sheree ritchie

20-01-07, 09:51

well i not had dat sensation but with anxiety as we all know it comes in all shapes n sizes..its not just a mental thing it can b phyical too....

i tend to get a lot of tension on the left side of my shoulder, neck and head...n bad headaches too...which i know is caused by my anxiety...

i totally understand its hard to explain cos it usually is..great eh lol

personally i wouldnt worry bout dis...but if it does continue pls c ur gp again..hope it settles soon for ye..x

Take care,
Lin xxx

"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

20-01-07, 11:52
Hi Sheree, two years ago, I started with exactly the same thing as you described. Tingling down left side of face, and freezing feeling in head, plus like a spider running around my temples feeling. As I am paranoid about my health, and bring panis attacks on over the stupidist of things, I went to my Dr. I said Ive got a brain tumor Im dying. All those things, and he reassured me I was not... Anyhow, I was not convinced, made myself ten times worse, and he finally sent me for a CAT scan, probably to shut me up... I also had an MRI scan, and a second CAT scan. I had blood tests, exrays, the lot. It turned out to be anxiety... I hope this puts your mind at rest .

21-01-07, 10:49
Thanks sue broughton, i have also had a brain scan last year and all was clear but symptoms not going away. Do you think i should ask for an mri, don,t know the difference between this and a cat scan. Thanks

sheree ritchie

21-01-07, 10:56
Hello Sheree - I also get tingling feelings in my head, also on the left, try putting Tiger Balm on your temples, it really works.

Jo x
