View Full Version : birthmark dry skin?!?

31-03-15, 21:13
I think the one I have is known as congenital nevus and itnis on the upper part of the back of my leg. A couple of weeks ago the skin was a little itchy on there and it has gone a bit dry. 2 days ago I scratched a mole on the nevus and its scabbed over a bit. Really worried about it. Does it look like anything to worry about ?
The black dots are scabs from where I caught it

Gary A
31-03-15, 21:19
I would have a doctor check it out. It doesn't look particularly alarming, but any changes to an existing mole such as itching, crusting or bleeding should always be checked out.

31-03-15, 21:46
I read that it is common for these birthmarks to go dry sometimes but its seriously worrying me. The scabbed area is from me picking it the other day but I'm fearing the worst right now!

Gary A
31-03-15, 22:03
It's probably nothing but if it's really worrying you then have it checked out. It's very small so even if it is something sinister (very unlikely), it will be a case of simply removing it. I personally don't think it looks at all worrying, but it's always sensible to get changes to an existing mole checked out.

12-04-15, 12:09
Thus is what it looks like now. When I went to the doctod a week ago he just issued cream for the dry skin. There is no itching now and the scabs have healed up but does the colour look funny?

Gary A
12-04-15, 18:03
Looks fine now.

13-04-15, 11:50
Does the mixture of colour not look odd? Can't tell if its the flash giving it that look.

13-04-15, 12:51
You know that no one can tell you anything here Daryl. I know you're seeking reassurance but anything said here would just be the opinion of novices concerning dermatology. You saw the doctor and nothing was suspicious enough to warrant any concern.

Positive thoughts

13-04-15, 13:16
I'm with the 'pa on this one. Reassurance for a HA sufferer is like a hit for a junkie - only lasts till it wears off a few hours later, then you're out for another hit.

22-04-15, 07:26
Hmm. It has cleared up but there's still some dry skin on the birthmark itself. I'll go back to the docs and see what he says. Sorry.

27-04-15, 22:39
I scratched this again over the weekend and made a corner of it scab up again. The other area cleared up fine but iv scratched over the dry skin and caused a scab to appear. I can't take my mind away from this and the doctor didnt seem concerned. I just can't take my mind away from the worst case scenario.

09-05-15, 17:36
Current state. I'm not sure wehter I should go to the doctors. The scab has healed but its left a dry red patch on my birthmark. Read online that dry patches are common on this type of birthmark but my pessimism is getting me down.

09-05-15, 19:35

10-05-15, 09:40
Does nobody have an opinion of how it looks?

Gary A
10-05-15, 10:45
It just looks like a birthmark to me, but honestly, at this point you should just be going to your doctor if you're still concerned.