View Full Version : Pots positional tachycardia ..anyone else ? Anxiety

01-04-15, 00:34
Hi everyone
New here
But my story seems a lot like everyone else ..
Palpitations , chest pain , now neck , fast heart rate up to 160
Over aware of what my heart is doing and every litle pain , twinge ..that a few years ago I might not have noticed .
And anxiety ...crippling sometimes ..panic attacks .
My doctor did not seem to be doing much ..wanting to put it down to panic attacks right away .
I've visited a&e so many times ...I think about 20 in 6 months !
No joke , they have almost bared me from going ....they think I'm a head case .
I've had bloods and ECG test done so many , many times
I paid to goto a private cardiologist ....36 hour monitor test .
Ct scans , X-rays , MRI scans .. 4 day urine collection ...cancer tests ... Liver , adrenaline gland ...you name it ...I would have had it checked .
And all came back normal ...every time ......
I was told I was healthy ...it's anxiety ...I wet to cbt counselling ...
I felt it could be anxiety ... But something else was up
Anyway I took my blood pressure and heart rate while I was having a panic attack while I was standing ...I has a heart rate of 150 ish ...
Of course I started to panic more ... I lay down ..and took again ...and it had dropped ...quite a bit , down to 120 , then a minute later to 100 and within about ten minutes was at a good resting pulse of 66
I thought well I'm calm now ..over my attack
Stood up , I took pulse and within 8 mins was back upto 100 bpm
To cut this long story short , when I stand up I go tacicardic ... And I get feelings of anxiety ...
This is pots ...it's not a cardiac thing ..so nothing ever really showed on ECG apart from a couple of odd beats ...the anxiety kicking in .
But also when I was at hospital , they only ever took pulse , blood pressure while sitting or flat on my back on a bed .
I encourage everyone to do this simple test at home
Take your resting pulse after 5 mins of being flat on your back
Then stand up take it again right away
Then after two minutes , then 5 , then 10
If your heart rate goes up by more then 30 from rest ..you could have pots ...
It isn't often found by doctors ....but it presents itself as anxiety
Please get back to me if anyone else knows they have this ...as it's lonely
Or if you do this test ..and find your heart does the same
As there is hope ,,, things to make you feel better

02-04-15, 15:43
If you think it's POTS then you need to try and push for a tilt table test.

It's something I also think I have but some days it can be almost non-existent and others days it's really bad. What I eat and drink also plays a big part in how bad the symptoms become.

My doctor also told me it was normal and nothing to worry about...

06-04-15, 01:13
Hi, my heart rate goes up on various occasions when I stand up and I always wondered what it was! Do you get breathlessness or tightness in the throat at all?

06-04-15, 01:25
If you have POTs what can they even do for it anyway. Is there even any treatment for it. I have extremely low BP and heart rate and always very lightheaded and nearly pass out when I stand up and obviously the heart rate increases to try and compensate. I have informed my doctors of this many times and they aren't bothered, but then again they never are.

06-04-15, 04:19
Extremely low blood pressure can be from too much potassium but is usually from potassium sparing diuretics. You would have to eat a lot of cantaloupe and bananas.

06-04-15, 04:43
Ok, I was diagnosed with sinus tachycardia a few weeks ago that should have been diagnosed in June 2014 when I first started having panic attacks. I was also diagnosed with a valve prolapse with regurgitation and leakage. My Pulse rate right now, with legs propped up and back in a leaning position against bed is 83. I am doing this as I am typing, so going to stand now. :ohmy: Pulse rate jumped to 110 as soon as I stood up.

Questions? How did you hear about this positional tachycardia? Have you researched this? Is there anything that can be done about it? I ask because my research on sinus tachycardia is what led me to finding this forum.