View Full Version : Head Rush

01-04-15, 10:03
Has anyone had this? To describe the sensation is there's head pressure and sort of like a head rush or jolt along with sudden fear. Is this a panic attack?

Gary A
01-04-15, 11:02
It's only a panic attack if you worry about the symptom and it gets worse. It may very well be an anxiety symptom, head rushes are quite common with anxiety.

01-04-15, 14:45
yes.. i get this... and I think before we have a chance to realize it's probably a "normal" occurrence... our body has already kicked into "panic mode"... I find that a panic attack can literally happen within seconds after you feel something odd and then the adrenaline rush just makes matters worse.

I've noticed that a "symptom" dissipates rather quickly if I can somehow manage to suppress immediate panic about it.

the head rush you feel could be from not breathing properly. anxious people tend to hold their breath and not even realize it. standing up quick will cause you to feel the pressure, possibly feel a little lightheaded.. that could immediately cause an adrenaline rush if you're prone to panic attacks.. you're body is almost trained to fear the feeling..

it's a VERY hard habit to break... but you can do it. hang in there.. one day at a time.

01-04-15, 19:38
Yeah the couple of times I had this happen I was already experiencing scalp tingling and head pressure. Sometimes the head pressure moves and it feels like it's trying to break up (I hope that makes sense). I wish this would go away. I'm always fine when I wake up but sometimes during evening this pops up.