View Full Version : Pneumonia diagnosed - scared now :-(

01-04-15, 15:23
Had a chest infection for 3 weeks, already had a course of amoxicillin and oral steroid but still coughing so nurse practitioner diagnosed suspected pneumonia, prescribed different antibiotics and sent me for a chest X-ray.

I have no loss of appetite (until now my anxiety is causing it), no temp, not coughing up any coloured yuk.... But I have crackling in my lower chest and shortness of breath. X-ray dpt say 'see gp in 10 days' .... I don't like it, I'm scared :-(

Logic tells me it not severe.... Anxiety is screaming that it might get severe :-(

:-( sigh

Gary A
01-04-15, 16:07
So you haven't actually been diagnosed with pneumonia, just your practice nurse has referred you as suspected pneumonia? Have you had the X-ray yet? If they're referring you back to your GP, I'd take that as them saying it's something that your GP can deal with, which of course, means there's no need for a hospital stay. That would surely mean it's nothing serious, wouldn't you agree?

01-04-15, 16:18
Thank you Gary :-) logic would suggest it's not serious as I'm at home feeling ok ish with anti biotics. But since when are any of us good at logic at these times?

What if it gets worse?

Always what if .... :scared15:

Gary A
01-04-15, 16:28
What if your head falls off? What if you're too busy worrying about your health that you walk in front of a bus? What if....there's actually nothing wrong with you at all, maybe a minor infection or irritation? "What if" is not the way to think, we all have "what ifs" in our lives, it doesn't mean any of it has to be true or mean something terrible.

01-04-15, 16:52
I know.... All true! What ifs are pointless. I've been feeling positive just lately, anxiety at a low!! ... Today is a knockback :-(

I will sit quietly and wait for myself to either get better or worse and not think about it in the mean time.

01-04-15, 17:30
Even if it is or becomes severe, it is very treatable and because you are hyper vigilant (like all HA sufferers) you would be the first to seek help if you thought it had got worse. But I agree with the other posters, if you aren't due to have your X Ray for 10 days, it can't be that urgent. I know lots of people with pneomonia who still work and just casually mention they have got and are taking anti biotics.

Keep busy!

01-04-15, 17:40
The word pneumonia in general is just scary! I had the X-ray today but the xray guy just nonchalantly said, gp in 10 days. I will settle down and get better :-) Easter weekend with my feet up I guess. Sigh. Thanks all, these positive words and experiences are helpful :-)

02-04-15, 21:48
Struggling tonight :-( I can breathe in deeply, no pain as such, coughing a bit but not extreme, yet I feel I cant get enough air, pressure in my chest.... I cant decide if its the chest infection/pneumonia (?) or the anxiety. I feel like i want to peel my skin off, grit my teeth really hard, dig my nails into my palms... u know the feeling right?

I feel pressure in my chest and a bit light headed. I can't decide if the worsening illness is making me panic or if the worsening panic is making me ill :-(

Not dealing with it too well.... so im here in my 'go to' place for reassurance rather than googling.

03-04-15, 11:33
So maybe it is pneumonia? Doesn't mean you can't beat it.
With modern medical care and lots of rest, I'm sure you'll be fine :)
Even my chinchilla got over pneumonia with proper medical attention. You could do the same for sure. I know it's hard with how anxious you are, but take it easy, okay?

10-04-15, 15:30
Was wondering how you were doing. I am worrying at the moment that I have pneumonia.

23-04-15, 22:04
Hi i had pnuemonia in 2013 i was 8 months pregnant at the time it was awful i was hospitalised but its easily treatable and all it is is a really bad chest infection. Iv been fine since. Nothing to worry about

27-01-16, 09:50
Just wanted to add in here for anyone who may search for and read this thread later. I 100% recovered!! I was up and down for a couple of months, so it wasn't short lived by any means and it recurred a couple of times before it went but I made a full recovery! Was about the most ill I have ever been in my life tho!! But if you are going through it now, rest assured, might take 3 lots of antibiotics and a course of steroids..... But it is very treatable!! Hang in there xx

27-01-16, 17:49
Just wanted to add in here for anyone who may search for and read this thread later. I 100% recovered!! I was up and down for a couple of months, so it wasn't short lived by any means and it recurred a couple of times before it went but I made a full recovery! Was about the most ill I have ever been in my life tho!! But if you are going through it now, rest assured, might take 3 lots of antibiotics and a course of steroids..... But it is very treatable!! Hang in there xx

So was it pnuemonia? Did your x ray show pneumonia ? Why did they make you wait 10 days to see your go after your xray if the x ray showed pnuemonia ? We're you put on more antibiotics?

Sorry for all the questions. I'm battling a chest infection myself. Doctor said bronchitis and put me in levaquin . He said it'll prevent it from becoming pneumonia. But I still feel awful.

28-02-16, 17:19
X-ray turned out clear. No pneumonia in he end. I was put on final anti biotics and then left for the remained of the nasty infection to clear. It was a bad one!!