View Full Version : I feel like im going insane

01-04-15, 15:27

i never used to have anxiety or depression in the past its only just affected me this past month. All i can say is that i have been through sooo much and i feel like going to bed and not waking up. At the moment i have become too aware of my thinking like all i can focus on is that im thinking so i cant concentrate when watching tv or talking to anyone because i keep being aware that im thinking, even though in the past i used to think without being so aware of it. i wish i could take a forget me pill that will get rid of such awareness as im fed up i cant focus properly on things without being so aware of how im thinking and what im thinking about

01-04-15, 15:45
HEy Misspurple!
I know exactly how you feel and often feel like that. Sorry, I don't have any magic solution that I've found works for me other than going and telling someone about it face to face and out loud. Ive found that this has helped sometimes as I think it tricks my mind into thinking its been dealt with. Hope it helps! :-)

01-04-15, 15:48
Thanks, i honestly thought i was the only one going through this, hopefully i can get over it and learn to accept it.

11-04-15, 12:33
I know the feeling. I never know what to do when my mind races out of control, but I've found that Box Breathing helps. Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold for 5, breath out for 5, hold for 5, repeat. It kind of makes me feel in control of my own body again. It also relaxes the mind. Well it worked for me anyway.
I think it also helps to know you're not alone, and you're not going mad! It's a horrible side effect of anxiety but it will pass! I promise it will pass, you just have to pull yourself through it.
I'm here, if no one else is :)
Daisy xxx