View Full Version : Sleep problems

01-04-15, 15:50
Hi all,

So recently, my anxiety has been ok as i havent really had time to focus on it (being a student) but the main cause of stress for me at the moment is sleep.

Now ive always been a night owl and i can sleep for long periods of time but i feel its becoming a problem. I would typically go to be around 1/2am and wake up naturally at 11am. If i have lessons, i will wake up but im always late. If not, ill fall back asleep at 1 or 2pm or later. My sleeping pattern is all over the place and im very worried of the consequences. I eat quite healthily and i could do a bit more exercise, but one of the main problems i think is that im currently in Spain and i dont eat until about 10pm.

Has anyone had problems with sleep or is anyone concerned about their sleeping pattern as i am. I know i shouldnt worry but it does affect me as i get tired very easily, but if anyone has any tips on helping regulate my sleep, id very much appreciate it

Thanks all x

01-04-15, 15:53
its seems like you are getting enough sleep in terms of hours so what are you worried about ? Its normal to go to bed later in a hot country and obvious you will sleep in longer
if you are getting disturbed or broken sleep try mindfulness when you wake or reading a book

Gary A
01-04-15, 16:31
It's really all about trying to set yourself a routine. Go to bed at roughly the same time every night and you'll naturally wake at roughly the same time each morning. Try not to use caffeine for at least 5 hours before you plan on going to sleep and ensure you get a good 7-8 hours of sleep.

01-04-15, 18:30
Hey guys, the reason im worried is because on average i get about 14 hours sleep most days, which includes 5 hour naps when i should be working, which is apparantly bad for your health. Ive only been in Spain for 2 months and will be here for another 3, so i dont live here and will be back in sunny England soon.

This has always been a problem for me and sometimes, i find that i sleep because i dont want to face a day with anxiety or im simply too tired to do much.