View Full Version : blood clot worries

01-04-15, 15:54
Hi I was wondering if anyone can make me feel better about my health worries. Ive had health anxiety for almost a year now, it used to be cancer I was scared off the most but the last months its been blood clots. Im on the combined pill (have been for four yrs) which is why Im always so concernes. I started getting leg pains a few months ago which is when the blood clot fear began, the drs looked at my legs examined my pulse etc and kept reassuring fme im fine and that im a healthy 20yr old female. I started to believe them as I had cbt therapy for 6 weeks which really helped. However I still have leg pain (seems tp swap legs every day) and the past week ive been getting chest pain/pressure particularly when walking. It got worse while ive been on holiday for few days. I have a home blood pressure monitor (purely for my own health anxiety needs) and normally it tells me it's normal even when im anxious but an hr before goig to airport it gives me a high reading 120/90. I measure twice more after thid and it goes back to normal 100/70 roughly. I have more high reading when im away but the rest were normal. I went tp the dr today and he said that 120/90 isnt even that high and says my heart and lungs soumd fine. I just cant believe him! I feel like I need an xray to see if any bloodclots in my leg or maybe in my lungs as I'm scared of pulmonary embolism. I just domt know how to get pver this blood clpt fear ive seen sp many drs and theuve told me im fine, its just sp hard to ignore my symtoms!

Gary A
01-04-15, 16:15
pain from a blood clot wouldn't swap legs. Your blood pressure and pulse would be sky high and by now you'd probably be in agony. You don't have a blood clot in your legs or your lungs, the very fact you think leg pain is a symptom of a blood clot tells me you're suffering badly with health anxiety, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if these pains were minor muscular pains that you're interpreting as something sinister.