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02-04-15, 09:07
I'm on day 4 of my first time on fluoxetine for anxiety. I also take beta blockers for panic attacks. I can't do this I feel insane I'm a nervous wreck and feel totally mentally I'll off this stuff. I'm jittery, neausous and feel like I can't cope. I feel ten times worse than when I just had anxiety how long can I expect to feel like this. I can't do it much longer its scaring me

02-04-15, 11:52
Hi..try to stay calm ,not easy i know.well im not on the meds that you are but can tell you,it can take a couple of weeks to start to settle..often these drugs makes us worse before any inprovement.wierd i know,but thats the way it is with meds..give it a couple more days and if you dont feel any better,go back to your gp and tell him.it may be these meds are not going to work for you.what works for others,dsnt allways work for everyone eles..good luck

02-04-15, 11:56
What Greg said, Seren. The side-effects when you first go on meds can be awful, but you just have to bat through. What can help initially is some diazepam, which the GP could prescribe to get you over the worst of the side effects. Usually, these are only prescribed in short courses, but they do help.

Hang on in there. :)

02-04-15, 18:23
That was awful. I cannot cope with that feeling. I "think" I was having a panic attack. But I felt so so mentally ill I was convinced it was the tablet making me I'll.. Even if it is all in my head it feels 100% real. I feel so out of it that I can't look after myself or my boys. Feeling so mentally ill and not being in control is my ultimate anxiety. I could see myself doing something stupid. I mean I've never ever had suicidal thoughts but I feel that out of control I'm scared I would do something stupid as I'm not in control. now I've calmed down I no I'd never ever do that I most definitely never feel suicidal its just when I panic I manage to convince myself I feel so out of it and out of control that what if I made myself believe that. This could possibly be because I've read the side effects and decided I am going to get the worst one! I also think im going to feel out of control for ever and this feeling will never stop. I a massive fear of sudden death.

I was in such a mess I had to ring for my cousin to come over and a drs apt. I just broke down at the drs. He's told me not to take them as feeling like I can't cope isn't what he wants. I've been referred for councilling but it will be 4-6 weeks what do I do until then? This really is my worst nightmare I can't switch off I want the tablets to make me better now but they make my anxiety rife urgh I'm lost.

02-04-15, 20:39
Seren - it is awful when the anxiety overwhelms you. I'd certainly (if you feel you can) go back to the GP and ask for some diazepam and perhaps he could put you on a different anti-depressant.

If you feel suicidal again - don't be afraid of asking for help on here, ring the Samaritans, go to your local A&E/Walkin Centre or find the number for your local CAT Team (Crisis Access Team)

It's important to remember that at times such as this - as isolating as it feels, you aren't alone. Plenty support to be had and don't be afraid to ask for help. :)

02-04-15, 22:06
Thank you. Does this make sense...I don't think I am suicidal. Im perfectly happy but sudden death scares the hell out of me. I think I imagine the worse possible scenario when I panic and think I might do it. Is it called catastrophsising?? Excuse my terrible spelling!! I found my mum dead when I was 19 I lost all 4 grandparents very suddenly to illness by the time I was 20 its all made me realise how one minute you can be here and the next dead I no that's life but I don't think I've dealt with it. I relate taking medication to being I'll illness with the mind going mad I think these issues are causing my anxiety as I've spent 10years ignoring it. I spent the last 3ish years thinking I feel I'll because of my blood sugars but on with my issues never went to the doctor it got so much worse this last months I knew I was panicking so much about being I'll. I couldn't believe it when it when my bloods were fine and my Dr new it was anxiety. I really had no clue. So I obviously am "ill" with anxiety so I'm panicking and giving myself a label of never getting better. I'm just going to get worse until I go completely mad. Ha, yeah so I have issues

02-04-15, 22:16
Hi Seren,

I'm sorry you are feeling the way you are.
I was in the same situation myself when I started Citalopram - it was awful - worse anxiety than I ever had before, I was desperate to come off the meds and just be the way I was before, but I had been down that road before - and it goes nowhere.

Please, please, please keep taking the meds - it WILL get better, it's done so for thousands of people and it's actually given me the best six years of my life. If it wasn't for the meds I wouldn't be with my girlfriend and we wouldn't be expecting a baby together.

Take care and have faith that things will get better.

02-04-15, 22:29
Thank you. I know they will help but its also my biggest anxiety so I feel torn. I do take beta blockers too and they have really helped my physical symptoms. Think I'm trying to rush and get better straight away as obviously I associate illness with impending doom and all that jazz but I need to be patient my mind is going 24/7 and I'm wearing myself out can self help work? What are the best techniques? I'd feel much safer doing that but does it work? My doctor sorted out a councilling for me but good old NHS means 4-6weeks wait.

03-04-15, 12:39
CBT and Meds together help the most.
Things do not get better overnight or even in a week or two's time. It does take time but it's worth the wait.

03-04-15, 18:03
Yes I'm hoping councilling will help get me back on meds I've have some major issues with meds, injections, needles and a fear of balloons since a small child! I'd say I'm phobic I can't even take my boys to a Bray party in case their are balloons that might pop and jump me! Ha can you be phobic of the feeling of fear??!

Anyway much better day today. I tried a technique I read about woke up and could feel the horrible onset of fear. So I wrote down all my worries. My worry time will be in the bath later and I'll go through each worry and answer a series of questions to rationalise my thoughts. I think I try and shout stop in my mind and ignore it but that's like saying don't imagine a pink elephant....are you imagining it?! ;-). I also had two panic attacks albei mild in the cinema I knew they were totally irrational so just sat there and let myself feel it! Calmed down much quicker!! I needed a good day. I will try and make it two days!!!