View Full Version : Have I got a blood clot?!!

02-04-15, 09:22
For a few months I've had a sharp pain in my back on the right behind my breast, I've recently got a new mattress and I wake up in pure angony! Today I decided to google sharp pain in lung and it's coming up with blood clot I am a anxious mess right now I can't cope, drs is a 3 week wait!! I have a sharp pain and it feels like I'm bruised and burning and my right arm is achy. The other day I felt like I couldn't breath for an hour but I'm sure it was to do with my anxiety but I don't know I am so scared! I was convinced it was muscle pain because im always tence in my neck.

04-04-15, 00:02
Hi Shelly, I'm not a doctor so I can't give you any real medical advice unfortunately. However, I would say that if you've had the pain for a few months then it is super duper unlikely to be a blood clot. Sounds more muscular in nature, particularly if it has gotten worse with a new mattress.

04-04-15, 12:21
I have had suspected blood clot two times now berm sent to hospital to be sent home to this day in fact right now I have chest and rib pain and major anxiety go to doctors if they are concerned they will send you to hospital xx

06-04-15, 20:46
Thanks, I did ring my dr and she said its inflamed muscle as I don't have any other symptoms but ever since I looked at the symptoms I feel like I can't breath even though I know it's just my anxiety and I get so anxious that the Dr is wrong for 3 days I have been concentrating on my breathing and it's like I've got to force myself to breath.