View Full Version : Zopiclone Withdrawal

02-04-15, 14:58
Hi there

Thought I'd start a new thread specifically in regard to zopiclone. I've been on it 5 weeks and want to come off it (I don't know how I'll sleep but too scared to carry on!).

I take up to 3.75mg at night, sometimes less.

Have been reading about the addiction and know the longer I'm on it the worse it will be to come off so any advice would be greatly appreciated please! I'm seeing the doctor soon but would be very interesred in your personal experience please!

Also taking 50mg trazodone which doesn't help me sleep but as someone pointed out it might do without the zop!

Thanks xx

02-04-15, 15:02
I quit them cold turkey and had no problems but went onto quetiapine at the same and that stuff knocks you flat out at night

02-04-15, 15:09
Hi Andy, oh I really want to get off everything! But I also want to sleep! Have a date with Paul McKenna tonight so maybe he'll help!!! Hopefully 5 weeks is not too long for bad withdrawal... Thanks for replying ;)

02-04-15, 15:13
dont try and come off multiple meds it will only end in disaster,come off one at a time as slowly as you can.Going up or down on meds unbalances our nervous system,slowly is the best option.What else are you taking ? and have you asked the doctor for something less dependable than zopiclone ? like a low does of quetiapine or olanzapine both will help you sleep and arent addictive
good luck

02-04-15, 18:48
Hi Andy I'm going to go two more weeks with zopiclone and then ask to change if I'm still unable to sleep naturally. Guess I just have to accept this is how it is for now! Hard times eh? How are you today? :)

12-04-15, 12:14
How you getting on crystal ?

12-04-15, 13:57
Hi Andy, thanks for asking! I stopped the zopicline over a week ago. I've had a mixed week, the first couple of nights were awful (1-1.5 hours sleep!) then gradually got a bit better (up to 6 hours one night). Still haven't had a proper nights sleep but feeling better for coming off it. Want to come off trazodone now too as i spend half the day feeling shaky and spaced out! But it is helping me sleep a bit so it's a tricky one.

So not out of the woods yet and not in much of a routine yet but hopefully I'll get there soon!

How are you Andy?

12-04-15, 16:07
I'm fine ,sleeping well and low anxiety just a bit worried about going back to work after a week off
You've managed a night at six hours that's great progress

12-04-15, 17:15
I've had a ropey couple of night's sleep, so might try my first Zopiclone tonight. If I can get back to having a reasonable kip, it should help with the anxiety through the day. Am aware though that I don't want to make a habit of using this med. Is is best to go with 7.5 as have been prescribed, or to perhaps half it?

12-04-15, 20:11
Hi Andy good luck back at work tomorrow, you'll be fine once you're there it's just the apprehension that's a pain. At least you're sleeping well :)

Logan five I was given 3.75mgs although it never gave me a full nights sleep. Zopiclone is easily addictive though so tread carefully! Once you have those little pills to pop it's too easy in the middle of the night to reach out for one! This is where the psychological dependency kicks in. I was on them just 5 weeks and I knew I had to stop!!!

Hope you get a good nights sleep anyway! :)

12-04-15, 20:56
Cheers, Crystal. I've had a couple of night's on Temazepam (10mg) after a break of a week when I managed to sleep OK without. I don't know whether just to persevere with it on try the change.

13-04-15, 09:10
Hi there, how did you get on last night? Did you try the zopiclone? :) hope you had a good sleep!

13-04-15, 09:33
HI Crystal - yes I did and I slept reasonably well, even if it took me a wee while to drop off. Feeling brighter this morning and the weather has picked up too. I intend to not try any meds at bedtime tonight - to see how I get on. :)

Although - just booked the wheels in for an MOT tomorrow, so I might have to get another good kip ahead. We'll see how I feel towards bedtime.

13-04-15, 09:45
Great, wish you well for tonight! Enjoy the sunshine! :)