View Full Version : Newbie needs help

19-01-07, 23:14
Hi. I joined this forum today, and thought I could do with a chat to people who have the same or similar. I have had panic attacks now for 7 years, due to divorce, moving home, new relationship, being intimidated by a certain person, etc etc. I have had the therapy, tablets, the whole tests at the hospital thing, thinking I was dying or had a really bad illness. (get the picture?) I always have panic attacks when I go to the shops, flying is terrible. Anyhow, after a while of doing a bit OK, it all crept back just before Xmas. I stopped smoking, was on a diet, got a new puppy, (thats 2 Weimaraners ans a yorkie now, so I brought That one on myself) and started Prostap injections for a gyne condition, which would put me through a clinical menopause, all in the same month. PHEW>>>
Well, this time, I cant shake it off. I also got VERY depressed this time, and I got that bad I was desperate. I have been on sick from work a month, I am a landlady at a very big and busy place.
I think the depression came from all the above, stopping the fags, new pup, and more than anything, the induced menopause. I am taking citalapram 40mg daily, and another 40mg if I feel panic coming, and 2mg diazapam, as I cant sleep. Does anyone think it will pass. Thanks for reading

19-01-07, 23:32
Hi Sue

And a BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great help and support while making new friends on the way.:D
Take a look at the first step pages Sue, im sure they will be of help also.

First Steps:
First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

We have alot of success storys here on NMP, Im sure you can beat it too.



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

20-01-07, 11:38
Hi Andrea, and thanks for replying. I will be reading the pages you advised. And I hope you are well today. I dont feel so good today, can you tell me if the tablets should take away all feelings of depression and panic, because I keep getting these feelings in "waves" through my body. I thought I would be feeling better by now, been on them a month. And I am due to start back at work this Tuesday, would you reccomend it, trying to get back into the routine of things, or is it too soon. Thanks

20-01-07, 11:54
Hi Sue

It can take up to 8 weeks before you start to feel the benefits of medication, i take medication also, they do help take the edge off things and the panic is not as severe.
I think what worked best for me with the medication is trying to distract myself when the panic appears, also breathing exercises help too.
When i was at my worst i found been at home off work didnt help, and once returning to work i did improve as i wasnt sat at home dwelling on things. Maybe it would be a good idea if you are returning to work just start doing a few hours a week and see how things go.

I wish you luck Sue, dont forget the first step pages, theres definatley some useful information that will help.



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

20-01-07, 12:23
Hi Sue,

A big warm welcome to you.

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

20-01-07, 12:55
Hi Sue and welcome

Please have belief that you will recover from this. We progress at different speeds. It can be difficult, but I do hope the meds can at least get you back in the land of the living again.

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

20-01-07, 17:37
Hi Sue

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

Maybe going back to work will give you some distraction from the everyday symptoms and anxiety. Why not give it a try and see how it goes?


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

20-01-07, 19:07
Hi Sue,

Welcome to the site, i'm sure you'll find it helps a lot.

Take care

shirley xx

'' I am an optimist, but I'm an optimist who carries a raincoat. '' - Harold Wilson

20-01-07, 20:34
Hi all and many thanks for taking the time to answer me. I will try get on this web site daily, and I hope to help you out there too. So, happy weekend, and I will try going back to work on Wednesday. After all, I only have to open a door, walk down 14 steps, and I am behind my bars. So its not like I have to think about driving, parking, or worst of horrors, catching a bus......

20-01-07, 21:23
elo Sue,

A big welcome to the site...ye will b grand here..great support n good advice and always an ear ta listen to ye...ye will make sum great friends here dat totally understand..glad ta hav ye on board..x

Take care,
Lin xxx

"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

22-01-07, 09:34
Mornin' Sue,

Wow, you've a lot to contend with haven't you?

Hopefully the sage advice you'll find on this site will be useful to you and I'd echo the earlier posts about Citalopram taking a while to really 'kick-in', it might take some time but in the end it's worth persevering.

How are you in social situations? I'd imagine being the hostess and having a 'perma-smile' for your customers can't be easy? But, turn any feelings of anxiety into a positive, if you can pretend to all around you that all's well, you can convince yourself that it is too?

Please keep posting, we're in this for the long haul and here to support one another.

Happiness and light to all,

I saw her once, one little while, and then no more:
’Twas Eden’s light on Earth a while, and then no more.
Amid the throng she passed along the meadow-floor:
Spring seemed to smile on Earth awhile, and then no more;
But whence she came, which way she went, what garb she wore
I noted not; I gazed a while, and then no more!

James Clarence Mangan 1803 - 1849

23-01-07, 18:43
Hi there "Chopper". Thanks for replying to my question. Today and yesterday I have felt much better. I have started to go out of the house to walk the dogs again, that is a terribly hard ordeal for me when I get my moments of panic, it lasts anything up to two weeks, then it eases off. (this time, however, has been the worst by far) I have also been in the car, first time since 28th Dec, so I have conquered driving, great... When you say having to put a smile on for customers. Yes, sometimes it gets very difficult. Most people now know I have an on going condition, and they accept it. They seem to know when I not good, and they are sympathetic etc. To someone who has never met me, and I having a good day, they would never know. I am happy, funny, and very confident... STRANGE WOMAN I AM:D
I hop you are well today. Take care

23-01-07, 19:36
Welcome sue

Hope you find this site useful- i know i have

Linda xx

23-01-07, 22:29

23-01-07, 23:53
Hi Sue

Hand on heart this will pass. I take the same meds as you and it made such a difference to me. I still have the off days but you learn to understand them. You have had a lot going on in a small space of time and you will adjust.

Here if you want to talk.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".