View Full Version : help please

02-04-15, 15:24
My biggest fear is my heart and thinking every chest pain is a heart attack. It's the hardest part of this. I get central chest pain but I've had tests after test and was told in 2013 that my heart is fine would anyone have any tips on how to distract my mind from the fear and the pain. I'm at rock bottom where I constantly think I'm going to die and its affecting my every day life. I feel like crying and screaming all at once . The fear is consuming me. I have spent nearly every day convincing myself there is something wrong with me despite cardiologist telling me in 2013 my heart is fine. Xx help please.

02-04-15, 16:20
Ella, you need to stop reinforcing your own negative thoughts, see below - you said this yourself - you are convincing YOURSELF that there is something wrong, but there isn't.

I have spent nearly every day convincing myself there is something wrong with me despite cardiologist telling me in 2013 my heart is fine. Xx help please.

So instead of saying "there is something wrong" start thinking "everything is fine, the cardiologist said so"

Quite frankly, it's been two years and you're still here, so I think the cardiologist deserves more of your trust in this situation.

Feel better soon :hugs:

02-04-15, 23:03
Thanks for replying . It's just hard to get my thoughts in a positive place when it comes to the heart. I have had 2 stress test 2 echo cardiographs and plenty of ecgs along with holter monitor that diagnosed pvcs but in all the tests and all the reassurance from cardiologist I still focus and obsess about the heart. It's a vicious cycle.x