View Full Version : Am I experiencing health anxiety?! PROPANOLOL, ANXIETY.

02-04-15, 17:18
i am 20 years old. Nearly 2 months ago now I had an extremely bad drug trip and had my first ever panic attack (ecstacy and a small line of methodrone). I went to hospital and they were able to get my heart rate and blood pressure back to normal again. Ever since I have had terrible anxiety and continuous panic attacks. Every time I feel a nip in my chest I am thrown into panic and instantly feel nauseas, I have been in and out of hospital with the anxiety and have had 10-12 ECG's, a heart X ray and about the same amount of blood tests as I have had ECG's- all completely clear. However I am not convinced. I have researched every single symptom of heart attack on google which has not helped one bit and have stopped googling symptoms as a result. I went to the doctors a week ago and they prescribed me Propanolol slow release 80mg to take once a day, but I was far too tired and my heart rate dropped to 46-52 which I was uncomfortable with as although young and excercise regularly I wouldn't consider myself an athlete. I have just today been prescribed propanolol 10mg to take 2-3 times a day. I had only taken drugs around 10 times in my life and will never touch them again. This was my first time trying the methodrone. Do you think this is all in my head? Before the propanolol I was out excercising and running to clear my mind but it's made me far too tired. I am going to go excercising again once I become accustomed to the effects of propanolol. Is having a low pulse on propanolol weird? My blood pressure has been fine also. Just feel like such a hypochondriac atm and every sensation which I consider abnormal puts me on the edge. HELP!

---------- Post added at 16:18 ---------- Previous post was at 15:46 ----------


02-04-15, 17:29
What it seems like to me is, because you had such a bad experience. In you're head, you're worried it'll happen again, hence why you freak out when you get twinges etc. in your chest. Obviously, if you've had such a bad experience you're bound to worry from time to time about it but, I think, from my perspective you are over-worrying about it. Also, it's a good idea that you have stopped googling symptoms because by doing that it's made you feel worse about it all and it's made you worried more. Just try and stay calm and just realise that it won't happen to you again (if you stop taking the drugs.)

02-04-15, 18:53
I hope all this is in my head. No amount of
Doctors visits will convince me though they do offer comfort in the few days preceding :) thanks for the kind words!

02-04-15, 18:56
I hope all this is in my head. No amount of
Doctors visits will convince me though they do offer comfort in the few days preceding :) thanks for the kind words!

It is most likely in your head, but I understand. :) And, you're welcome!