View Full Version : I can't stop taking my blood sugar

02-04-15, 22:12
Hey guys. Texting this on my phone so I apologize for the formatting, or if spell check screws me lol.

So lately I've been obsessed with taking my blood sugar. I bought the machine cause I suspected I was hypoglycemic because of the symptoms I was getting. Turns out I'm not. But I believe I may be prediabetic. In the morning my blood sugar is anywhere from 5.5 - 6.0 this is after 8 - 9 hours of fasting. I'm not overweight, I eat really well. My grandfather had type two diabetes but he was a little overweight.

I'm freaked out and I'm OBSESSING. I bought a new blood strip box yesterday. It comes with 100 strips. I've already gone through half of that. Serioisly. My poor fingers, not to mention it's not sanitary. But I can't stop till I get a good number (being under 5.5) which rarely happens. The highest I've seen it after eating was 7.2? About an hour or two after I ate. There so mix conflicting information on the internet. I can't tell what's normal and what's bad. I just need to stop and I can't.

Any advice? I'm thinking about going to the er tomorrow after I fasted for the night to see what they think. I'm just scared of prediabetes.

02-04-15, 23:31
I would actually encourage you to seek medical assistance to discuss your anxiety and get immediate help. I don't have to tell you that taking your blood sugar 50+ times in a day is not normal. Heck, it's not normal in the span of a month for a diabetic of which you're not!

This is a pretty serious spiral and as you mentioned, it's not healthy at all. If you have the inner fortitude, throw the machine away!

Good luck and positive thoughts

02-04-15, 23:49
In short, I am diabetic and have to check my sugars multiple times a day before and after eating. You are not diabetic, your numbers are normal.

Stop wasting your money and buy yourself something nice instead :)

03-04-15, 01:58
This is a bit extreme. I had a similar issue with checking my pulse but that didn't involve 50+ needle pricks in a day. I had to throw out the machine I used to check my pulse in order to stop. Sounds like you need to part ways with the machine you have

03-04-15, 16:39
I have this a few years ago and would test blood glucose 50 + times a day.
The readings would vary.
The most accurate way would to get GP to test blood sugar.
I stopped testing in the end , but went through months of stress and distress , plus very sore fingers.
I agree you should seek your GPs help.
I've not developed diabetes although I convinced myself I would !
Still find lots of other health worries to control though..