View Full Version : I need to break free!!!

03-04-15, 03:27
I have always wanted to write here. I really need to let out what has been bottled up in me for a long time. I am glad that I found this forum. I have been reading the posts here and I know that I can share my thoughts, my feelings, my fear without being judged. I have always known that I have health anxiety. And I realize my biggest obsession is consulting Dr Google for any minor aches and pains. I tried and ohh how I tried to refrain but my fingers seem to have a power of their own to click on google. I realize that I will always be checking myself for any bumps or lumps. Even the normal cellulite will send my mind into thinking of lymphoma. Everything centers on the Big C. One day I found one tiny lump under my left armpit and I spent my waking hours to google about it, I spent my working hours going to the ladies just to feel it. I was convinced I had breast cancer or maybe lymphoma. I spent days obsessing over it, losing sleep and appetite over it. Until I gathered enough courage to see my regular GP. It turned out it was just an infected hair follicle.

Then I had developed chest pain and some breathlessness. I was convinced I had heart problem. My fear was an impending heart attack. I had one bad episode of chest pain and my hubby rushed me to the ER and did an ECG. It was normal. The doctor said it was just my gastritis and recommended to see a gastroenterologist because the symptoms I had mimic GERD or heartburn. I put it off and continued worrying instead until the second time I dragged myself to ER because of similar chest pain. Another ECG and this time they found a minor abnormality - something with T inversion. It so happened my cardiologist friend was at the ER at that time and he took a look at my ECG and told me that it was just a minor thing. But being me, I was not convinced. He suggested for a stress test if that would put my mind at ease. I did the stress test and the results was normal. It was just a minor abnormality and nothing to worry about. But he asked me to perhaps consider getting treatment for my heartburn. I finally made the appointment to see the gastroenterologist and scheduled for an endoscopy. Yup, I was diagnosed with GERD with mild gastritis and Grade 1 esophagitis. I was prescribed controloc, ganaton, and gaviscon for 6 weeks. My symptoms got better and no more chest pain.

But I realized that after the diagnosis with GERD I became more and more obsessed with my health. I got better after the 6 weeks treatment but I was unlucky I caught some bugs which caused me to have very bad tummy ache and diarrhea. Then I became obsessed with checking my stool, the color, the consistency, the frequency. The days seem to be filled with constant fear and worried. It is like this vice which chokes me breathless. I go through the day with that heavy feeling inside, that constricted feel deep in my gut, that deep ache in my heart. The fear of having something serious. I was so scared of my symptoms are those of colorectal cancer. Then I read in the forum that anxiety does cause these weird changes in your body. True enough, I found that I tend to urinate more, I have lose stool. I lost my appetite. I can't think straight. Again, I took myself to see my doctor. He examined the stomach, did a urine test, blood test and all came back normal. And after two weeks, my bowel movement and everything else were normal. I looked back and realized that I have spent the last two weeks over this. I really cannot go on like this.

I have had a few calm days when suddenly I contracted an eye infection from my hubby. He had it first and I must gotten the germs from him. I have conjunctivities and upper respiratory tract infection. This is the 5th day but I still feel achy and my throat is still sore. Though the doctor convinced me that viral infection will take some time to clear but I just cannot stop worrying. It is now throat cancer because my voice is now a bit hoarse. What if I lose my voice? What if I cannot speak anymore? What if this..what if that..oh my god...I am so cannot stop imagining the worse case scenario. I wish I could channel my highly imaginative mind into something productive and worthwhile..perhaps writing a successful novel like JK Rowlings...:blush:

I have an appointment with an Ophthalmologist this afternoon. I was just thinking about my hubby..he had the same eye infection like me, he just seem to sail through it without any worries in the world. No need to see a specialist...no fretting about it...no worrying. Why can't I be just like him? Is the brain of people with health anxiety wired differently?

Does anyone of you experience that fleeting moment of freedom when you stepped out from the doctor's office after being given the reassurance that everything is well and fine with you? That moment of feeling like a big boulder being lifted off your shoulder? The feeling of like you breathe easier, your food tastes better, your world seems to be so beautiful? But unfortunately that moment does not last long. Not long after that I will be back with obsessing over another symptom; another created illness.

A normal sore throat is throat cancer to me. A sore breast before period is breast cancer. An achy joint is rheumatoid arthritis. A migraine is brain cancer. A feverish feeling is lymphoma. Every single this is associated with a serious illness. I tried to brush it off and take control of my mind. When I seem to finally get to calm down a bit and talk some sense to myself, I will ask myself what if the symptoms are real. What if those are signs my body is giving me. And because I attribute it to health anxiety, I miss the early signs. Has anyone had this kind of thinking? Then it becomes like a vicious cycle to me...a cycle with no end. I was imagining myself stuck on the wheel and being spun around and around.

It has been a very tiring journey. Emotionally draining. But at least I can find some comfort reading the thread in this forum. I know that I have to beat this somehow and to get help. There are more to write and to share but do not want it to be so lengthy. At least I have made the first step of writing it here and sharing it with all of you.

It is Friday morning here. I wish you all a blessed day and a great weekend ahead.

03-04-15, 03:48
Sherry let me assure you, you are not alone. What you have described is what most health anxiety sufferers face.mtake some small amount of comfort in this forum. I would strongly recommend reading the sticky notes at the top of forum pages, especially the ones of way to recover.

Are you currently receiving support or treatment or your health anxiety?

03-04-15, 04:15
You just described a day in the life of me. When I wake up in the Morning I get a sinking feeling in my stomach because I know I'm going to endure another day of anxiety and worry just like the days before it. I'm 29 and the highlight of my day is when it's time for bed because at least I won't have to worry about anything for a few hours. I'm driving myself mad and I hate it. I just want to feel normal again but honestly can't see it ever being like it was.

03-04-15, 05:13
Hi Laura. Appreciate your reply. I will definitely check out those sticky notes. At this part of the world, I think it is quite difficult to find doctors who specialize in this kind of thing or perhaps I don't look hard enough. I have another appointment with my gastroenterologist in 2 weeks time. I will bring this up with him. Perhaps, it will be a good start for me to finally bring this up with a medical professional.

Hi worrywart29, I can identify when you say the highlight of the day is when it's time for bed coz we can escape the 'monster' for a few hours. Like now, I have bad sore throat and once in a while will have that pinching feeling in my chest. Even that small tiny wince will send my mind into frenzy, makes my hands and feet cold and sweaty. I really hope that we will be able to overcome this somehow...someday. I am trying very best to stay positive. Hugs...

03-04-15, 05:41
I can relate so much to your post! and thank you for writing it! I look on this site I fear for the wrong reasons. I find that I am often matching my current symptoms with others and it gets me just as worked up as googling symptoms sometimes. I have always had HA only it has gotten much worse a few years ago.

I have had all the same things you have. Everyday I check my stool to make sure it is in perfect condition!! Thing was when all of this really began I was quite a heavy drinker/smoker and I quit both thinking that was the problem but since then I have basically given up anything I consider toxic. I used to bug my brother for being OCD but turns out this is just another form of it.

Thing is I grew up with very hypochondriac parents and I was well versed on every disease before I could take the bus by myself.

I completely relate to what you're saying as far as doing something great instead of boggling your mind up with all of this self-torture. I've read that if our minds can create all of this havoc on our bodies imagine what it can do for all the greater ambitions we have?!!

Have you ever read Byron Katie? (The Work) Now she is really quite amazing but I have to say I am still hovering around health anxiety. Although she does help and I tend to read her book before I go to bed.

Everyday when I wake up I do tend to wonder what plethora of symptoms are to come my way. I really believe what we focus on is what our reality becomes. I believe that my brain is focused on every minor ache and pain because I don't go to a job everyday. so whenever someone dies (like a post on facebook) i need to know how old, and how etc. If i hear anything on the news related to cancer i hone in it right away. Also it doesn't help that google knows that i google symptoms so most advertisements are all on diseases of the thyroid, breast, ovaries... Autoimmune diseases.... So on the most part I am constantly looking for evidence of my inevitable looming demise.

When I went to a job everyday I was too busy to worry about anything. (I worked at a very busy hotel) but now I am a full time mom/artist and work from home. I had an art show this weekend and I can tell you my health anxiety was minimal because I was just too busy to think about it.

My husband gets so irritated that he just doesn't take me seriously anymore. Lately I've had some real cervical cell changes and my husband is being a bit more understanding. As you can imagine, I have been a bit hysterical.

Really though the one thing my grandmother said to me once was that she regretted all the worrying she did when she was young because in reality none of the things she worried about actually happened. And I am telling you this woman is 93 and she never ate vegetables/fruit and quit smoking at 60(she was the kind that smoked in bed). She did have bladder cancer 20 years ago and they took it out and she was fine.

The internet is great but it is terrible for people like us. In the past 3 years I have all the most sinister incurable diseases. I have visited the ER maybe 8 times and each time I am convinced this is it, they are coming to tell me what i've suspected. I've given up caffeine, sugar, dairy, gluten, bread, corn, soy and I only drink water and green tea.

However I really know that the real problem if I were to get down to it, is that I am not living the life that I should be living. Or I hadn't been. Now I am starting to make some changes that are heading in the right direction and some days are a lot better than others. A year ago I was so dizzy all of the time I barely could go on the bus I had so much anxiety. But now that I am becoming more successful in my art career I am out and meeting new people and life is slowly changing. I do want to see a
therapist after I start making some more money to really get to the root of all of this.

I can completely relate. I just read over your post and some weeks ago I kept having headaches and it could only be a tumor. My sore throat I'd also had for weeks was cancer... i was checking my mouth and neck for lumps..

Sorry for the ramble. But I do believe that maybe this is just a sign that we need to make some changes. I really find that going out and talking to other people helps in anyway. The more interactions I have with other people the less focused I am on myself. My sister in law is the same as we are and she started yoga and she says that it has helped her ten fold. I am thinking of trying that as well. Really I do believe that we all have a reason we are here and it's just finding what that is rather than being distracted by all of this health anxiety. Now I know it is so much easier said than done but when it comes down to it, I believe it.

Your post really helped me. I was just on my way to start reading somebody's symptoms when I saw yours first. And it's these kind of entries that I know that I should be reading because this is more the issue than this obsession with the particulars of certain symptoms I might be experiencing this week. I have enough symptomatic history than to really take them seriously at this point.

Again, thank you for sharing.

03-04-15, 14:43
Hugs poeple..
I was and still am everything you have written. A dizzy spell in 2009 convinced me I had MS and costed me a hell lot of money since I went to all doctors including a psychiatrist. When he said it is anxiety and I would need to be in lifelong meds I decided I am gonna change my attitude and show a brave face. It did help. It certainly did! A homeopath gave me meds to just adjust my digestion and voila, all the symptoms disappeared magically.

Mid 2014 I started with tremendous stress and a PA while watching the movie Gone girl ( Rise in adrenaline maybe).. That lead to my dizziness again.hat dreaded feeling of walking on the cloud an tilting to one side. I am tryin to calm down and accept it as anxiety.

Cusper - Is your dizziness gone completely? What did you do to make it disappear? Just accept and go on with life?

04-04-15, 05:58
Hi Cia,
yes mostly the dizziness is gone. you mentioned digestion and that has been my problem too. I have digestive candida and that was the problem and because of that I developed an allergy to gluten and it was causing the dizziness/anxiety. I am on a strict diet which makes life a bit boring as far as food is concerned but, like tonight I had guests over and ate gluten and now i feel terrible and kind of anxious and foggy.

So I think once I have my digestion back in working order ( apparently it can take a year to regulate) I hope I won't have to be on such a strict regime.

This health anxiety is really the worst. Big hugs to you all, i hope there is a better way to cope. There's got to be.