View Full Version : Scared of exercise / heart rate rising

03-04-15, 11:25
Near 2 months ago I had a bad drug trip. Ever since I'm petrified of exercise cause my heart rate will fly up and bring back memories of that night. I've had 10-12 ecgs and blood tests and x rays all of which have come back fine. I am just so afraid to start running or lifting weights particularly on my chest. Help. I haven't touched drugs since nor ever will. I am 20 years old.

Gary A
03-04-15, 11:35
Your heart rate raises naturally when you exercise, it's perfectly normal. Your body may be tuned to kick into the fight or flight mode whenever your heart rate raises, so the only real way around that is to re-train your brain to accept a faster heart rate upon exercise. Of course, that will only happen if you fight your fear and continue to exercise.

03-04-15, 19:58
The body is designed for exercise. Especially at 20 years old!

If you are worried about it take it easy at first but I'm sure you'll be fine.

All the best x