View Full Version : I can't cope anymore. I'm feeling done.

03-04-15, 12:25
I have nowhere else to turn to and I feel like I'm ruining my life.

Please know I'm sorry for this outburst, but I can't cope anymore.

About 3 weeks ago, I think I took a breakdown. I couldn't eat, sleep, concentrate, I couldn't function and I still can't.

I've been given Propanolol 40mg 3x daily and Diazepam that can be taken up to 3 times a day, but this just makes me feel sleepy. I usually only take one or two. This is until I can get in touch with the CMHT, but really I don't know how long this is going to take,

I'm at the end of my rope. I've been to A&E twice now with extreme anxiety and worry, but nothing that they will keep me in for.

I'm isolated, I have my mother, but she needs to work and has her own life, I live o my own and have no one. This is the absolute lowest I've ever been in my life and I can't seem to get myself out of it at all.

I have to be back at work within the next week, I don't know if I can. I'm only on SSP and can't cope with any forms to try and help myself apply for anything else. I don't know what to do anymore. I honestly don't.

I'm sat here thinking about writing a suicide note to explain my needs to not have to continue and not have to deal with this stress.

I feel like I will never get better, never manage healthy relationships and I'm going to lose my job and I don't hate my job at all.

All I can manage to do is try and drag myself out of bed and then put something on the tv to try and distract myself because the tablets are making me tired and I can't focus on anything else.

I'm forgetting to eat sometimes and find it hard to pick up after myself, this doesn't help when I don't have anyone else reminding me to do these things, but I do hear a voice in the back of my head telling me I should be sometimes as well as to get up and get moving because life is still going on around you and no one else gives a damn that you're in this state, its just all medication and "rest"

I can't seem to force myself to go out to try and get fresh air because I'm too scared and tired. Why does no one care?? Why can't I get back to my normal self where life was boring, but it was ok.

I've shut people out over the years because of my situation and now look where its got me, to the point where I've panicked myself into a state of disrepair, I want my life back, but I can't manage it on my own and I can't seem to be able to settle at home or manage to get myself out of bed so easily.

Living in a rural town in Scotland doesn't help either as there really aren't many services to help.

I'm sorry for the rant, I'm just alone ad my life is failing apart.

03-04-15, 13:21
Yeh I've been there. You have to fix one problem at a time. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.

I was on Prozac. I thought it was pretty good. Later I tried a med that left me feeling lethargic etc like you say and i was shocked. I discontinued pretty soon. It was of no use to me wanting to "rest" all day. So just General advice, me, I'd get off anything that has you feeling like that and onto something more stimulating.

Look after yourself on a daily basis even if it's hard. Keep your home in order and organised. It's annoying but it helps. You are building a launching pad to move onto the next steps and it's beneficial if you are functioning adequately.

Things like fish oil with high amounts of EPA can clear up your thinking and lower your anxiety. The EPA mops up those anxious markers in your bloodstream or something. I used to suffer with terrible brain fog but it's a distant memory now.

Do a bit of exercise. Get your blood pumping and clean out the stress hormones from your blood stream. It's hard and annoying but it will do a lot of good.
Go for a brisk walk withan MP3 player on ? Go around a park or something. Ideally up a hill. If the meds are stopping you I'd get off them. Replace them with something else if you have to. Tell them you can't function.

Give yourself something today for you to wake up and remember tomorrow to tell you that everything's going to be ok.
"I started walking. I cleaned my home. I did a lot of jobs that needed doing. I did that thing that's been hanging over me. I'm moving forward now - everything's going to be ok "

Order fish oil ! I'm no expert but the below link is the one I use. I got my mum on it too and she noticed straight away that she thinks clearer now.


Your on the way up again now. Let's see that optimism back !

03-04-15, 14:07
Hey-i know how you feel. You have gone through something pretty traumatic and only 3 weeks ago. The key is to take each day at a time and things will get better. Accept all the help and support you can get including doctors, friends and family. Please don't give up on life, you can control this and get something back and come out a more positive person xxx:hugs:

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