View Full Version : symtoms everyday for year +

03-04-15, 16:05
Going to put a list of my symtoms but I don't understand how it's health anxiety with amount I have daily aswell I never get a break ever .

Thuds in chest randomly
leg twitching neck twitching
finger twitching cheek twitching /vibrating viable back of head vibrating /twitching like eyes shake ect .
thumb muscle twitching.
Chest pains and aches(in back too)
rib pains and aches
shortness of breathe
sharp pains in upper stomach
tight upper stomach / ribs
pulsating stomach
sore throat
acid reflux
hard to swallow
daydream/blank staring /lack concentration
excessively yawning
jump/pulsating inside throat
over sleeping
post nasal drip
leg pains wrist pain finger pain
cramps in toes/fingers
fingers lock up when held in position or opening tin ect .
mood swings
constipation /diarrhea
arm weakness /hand weakness
legs randomly go weak /can't walk properly
racing heart
empty feeling in chest
no air feeling
heavy air / weird smell air
Random sharp pains normally chest or head
swollow en lymphnode
A year and a bit I have had 3 pr more symtoms of these each day I wake up and I don't know what symtoms are going to start if I try to tell myself there all anxiety and ignore them they either get worse or more I really want to believe it's anxiety but just is hard to believe :( fed up I have more than these just too many to list

03-04-15, 19:21
Well you aren't seriously ill or dead yet so it is unlikely much is wrong....
Many of those symptoms (all?) could be attributed to psychological causes.

03-04-15, 19:46
I think you have anxiety and you are over-analysing every little feeling in your body. I do exactly the same thing especially when I'm stressed.

I start with one symptom and before I know it I've got twenty or more symptoms because I'm 'looking' for other symptoms.

Try to relax and I bet that most of your symptoms disappear. As the previous post said if you had anything horrible you'd know about it by now!

All the best x