View Full Version : Freaking out!!!

03-04-15, 17:21
hi everyone. Have being experiencing some rectal bleeding after bowel movements. And jelly like mucous streaked with blood. Went to the gp he gave me movicol to take as he suspected constipation , as I had severe lower left side pain which went away after I started movicol. That was all grand. THEN two weeks later I received my smear result inconclusive and needed repeating. So now I'm thinking the worst cervical cancer that travelled to my bowels?? Bearing in mind the doctor has refered me for a colonoscopy too!!! I'm so worried that it's way too late and I'm dying 😞😞

03-04-15, 17:41
Mucous in your poo is normal. What colur is the blood? Fresh red or dark black to brown?

03-04-15, 17:47
It can vary from pink to red. Stool is very dark brown really dark ��

04-04-15, 10:41
Here's something I do know about colon stuff. You can hemorrhoids that are internal, or up inside of you, that can bleed after bm's, especially if they're hard or big. Also, colonoscopies are excellent in finding stuff that you can't see on other tests. So my advice, coming from someone who also suffers from HA (cancer is the nasty C word,) is to try and not google it, and try and realize (I'm very logical when I'm giving others advice, lol) that there are many, many, MANY other things that can cause some rectal bleeding and pain. Very minor things. Just breathe...You can do this :)

04-04-15, 18:13
I have calmed down a lot since yesterday thank goodness!!! I guess I always jump straight to the worst possible conclusion there is. Ugh. I'll just have to let it be until I get my test and my other test results. Which I'm praying will be ok. Thanks for the advice and reply ��

04-04-15, 18:20
Internal haemorrhoids are called polyps and they can remove them when they do a colonoscopy. They tattoo them so they know if they come back.
Doctors routinely call for a colonoscopy even if there is no concern. To them it is just a test.

04-04-15, 18:56
That's good to know. I thought he was referring me because there was cause for concern . Had the bowel issues even before I got my smear result then just starting freaking out thinking the worst. The sooner I get both tests and results the better!!! Nothing worse than constant worry