View Full Version : Does anyone know what I can do?

04-04-15, 08:59
Hello all,

My anxiety seems to have taken over this morning and I just cannot cope or deal with it, I cannot go the whole weekend feeling like this it's just too much.

Does anyone know who I can speak to or who I can go and see as no doctors are open :(

HB xx

04-04-15, 09:13
What are your symptoms? Why do you think your anxiety kicked in? Do you know any anxiety relieving methods so you can reduce the level of anxiety you are experiencing? What have you done in the past to stop your anxiety symptoms?

Try and answer to these questions and you can come up with a solution. You know, you can do a lot of things to reduce your anxiety, of course depending of its intensity and your will power.

I hope this helps, take care!

04-04-15, 09:22

I'm just getting the butterflies in my tummy, sweating, heart pounding and feeling like I need to go to the toilet....sorry lol.
I can't think as to what triggered it, just seems when everything is going well and I'm happy it kicks in with the fight or flight response, like there is some immediate danger I need to get away from when in reality there is no danger at all.

I just don't understand it. My anxiety has gone before as I've run away.....

HB xx

04-04-15, 09:24
Hello all,

My anxiety seems to have taken over this morning and I just cannot cope or deal with it, I cannot go the whole weekend feeling like this it's just too much.

Does anyone know who I can speak to or who I can go and see as no doctors are open :(

HB xx

Oh no I'm so sorry HB. First of all know this: it won't kill you and it will pass. It is just your thoughts. Breathe in for 7 and out for 11. You can ring NHS 111 if you are completely desperate but I promise it will pass.

It is a truly awful feeling but nothing bad will happen to you. Please let us know how you get on and good luck xx

04-04-15, 10:31
There should also be an out of hours GP service for your area. If you need them you should be able to find them via Google, NHS Direct or your local council website.

Could this be the job playing on your mind again?

If you distract yourself you may find it dissipates or goes away for now.