View Full Version : Still freaking out about HIV

04-04-15, 11:21
Already posted something similar to this earlier, but nobody responded, which is fine.
I'm just hoping that someone responds this time because I am still tripping over the possibility that I could have HIV.
My last partner and I were not very safe. Pretty dumb, in fact. I really should have insisted that we both get tested before even THINKING about engaging in unprotected sex, but there's no point in beating myself up over it now. I was on birth control and got caught up in the moment... quite a few times.
I never caught "the flu" or developed any of the common symptoms, but that doesn't mean I couldn't have it.
My insurance finally came through, so I'm going to call the local health clinic and inquire about getting tested. I know that HIV is not a particularly contagious disease, but it would devastating if I were positive. It's been over a year, now, so the test would be pretty accurate.
I just need to find a way to calm down in the meant time. Lord.
I hope someone responds this time. I could really use some reassurance until I can get tested and hear results.