View Full Version : super scared I have colon cancer

04-04-15, 23:34
I'm 31 and for the past couple months I've had a pain from my left lower back that worksaround to the front of my hip. The pain iis speratic and I noticed blood mixed into my stool, the blood almost looked clotted. My bowels have never been normal I've always have had constipation to diarrhea big stools/thin stools ect... and I never feel empty. And that's been going on 10-15 years. They checked my for hemroids a couple years back and always blamed the blood on stool from that. But this blood looks like it couldn't just be smeared on. I'm super super scared. I have like every symptom of colon cancer except the weight loss and not hungry. I did a fecal blood test one that is used for screen colon cancer but it came back negative. But I know what I saw today was blood. I need some support or reassurance.

05-04-15, 01:17
Hemorrhoids do cause blood, and so do fissures. You need stool softeners, more fiber and try activia yogurt. Worked for me!

05-04-15, 03:59
I know hemroids cause blood but there is no blood when I wipe, wouldn't there be blood on the tp when I wipe if it was hemroids or fishers?