View Full Version : asbestos worry

05-04-15, 03:30
Hi, I suffer from anxiety and was doing some work in my kitchen as I am fitting a new kitchen soon. There was a panel above the cooker I thought it was plaster board and as needed some plasterboard for another job I was doing decided to reuse I started cutting it with a Stanley knife and banging it. I then noticed it had lots of fibres on the edge of the board, I think it is defiantly asbestos as there was lots of fibres around the edge. I instantly grabbed a mask from my tool box and some PVA I then coated it the best I could I also used some paint as I panicked. I cleaned the area the best I could with a spray bottle that had washing up liquid in. I'm really scared I now have exposed myself and contaminated the kitchen with fibres, I'm scared I have given myself a death sentence and have also exposed my wife with it. I'm currently can't sleep with worry.... :weep:

05-04-15, 04:28
You need to be exposed to lot of the stuff to get into any real danger. I'm in the construction biz and I hear stories of 60 year old guys that when in there 20s would have fights with the stuff hand fulls of powder being thrown at each other. Their still around. I would think most people that got sick from the stuff worked in thr factory/mines or worked with the products in their work on a daily bases. I would say you your fine, just maybe to make you self feel better rent a fan and blow that sucker out.

05-04-15, 07:44
Please take note of what NHS Direct says about this http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/asbestosis/Pages/Introduction.aspx namely:

When the dust is breathed in, the asbestos fibres enter the lungs and can gradually damage them over time. For asbestosis to develop, prolonged exposure to relatively high numbers of the fibres is necessary. However, it is not the only factor, as many people avoid getting asbestosis, despite heavy exposure.

So, it is very unlikely anything could occur. If even one exposure was enough I can't see how we wouldn't be having a national campaign to find it all and rip it out.

05-04-15, 08:26
Thank you for the advice, I'm so panicked didn't sleep at all last night. I have noticed that there are bits where I took the panel off, I'm unsure what to do I'm really worried.

05-04-15, 08:54
The HSE have asbestos handling information on their website so that would be a good start for some advice. Its the breaking up of the fibres that gets them into the air so if it covered it would be useful I guess but as long as no one is cutting, drilling or anything else that can disturb it, it can't escape into the air which is when it is an issue.

This has been asked on here not long ago and I remember posting about it and how asbestos in the home (white asbestos?) is the least dangerous sort.

I seem to recall osmething about other websites set up for this nationally and how you can contact your local authority for advice & help.

05-04-15, 10:14
I just wish I new it was asbestos before I started working on it. I'm trying not to dwell on it but I am really paranoid, think going to get some one to doe some tests. Many years ago when I was younger I picked up a syringe by accident it didn't prick me or anything but I was convinced I had HIV I know its weird. But this asbestos thing feels like that again, I just don't won't to get depressed again. Also I'm an asthmatic which heightens my concerns.

05-04-15, 18:46
Today has been hard can't stop thinking about it.

05-04-15, 19:24
When the mind is in a spiral, it's often difficult to rationalize. Logic and reassurance are often not enough to quell the negativity.

That being said, this line of thinking, based on the facts about asbestos exposure would be akin to thinking you'll get lung cancer from spending a couple of nights in a smokey bar.

Positive thoughts

05-04-15, 19:37
Unlike saw dust asbestos does not break down and the fibres stick in the lungs and don't get coughed up. There are a lot of little pockets in the lungs for things like coal and rock dust to plug up. Asbestos is not something we come across a lot. Fibreglass insulation is just as bad as is rock wool and the tar from cigarettes. With any of these it is volume that dictates how much effect it will have. Because if their shape Asbestos and fibreglass have a chance of infection. Treated wood, cedar and things like Osage orange are almost as bad. Anything that doesn't break down and get absorbed.

05-04-15, 22:21
Just remember though, there is no connection between asthma and asbestos developing further according to that link (I can't remember seeing any mention of it).

So, your concern about you're asthma is something that could be triggered by anything connected to breathing. It's been an extra concern for me as anxiety can exasperate it and vice versa.

You are worrying about how it could affect your asthma if it developed but as the NHS say, it requires longer term exposure.

05-04-15, 22:35
Thank you for your support

07-04-15, 08:48
Thank you for the support man I get really paronoid I keep thinking every thing in the room is contaminated, I spent 5 hours yesterday cleaning and wiping everything down.

07-04-15, 08:56
If this is something you do with other things then it sounds like you may have Contamination OCD. It splits into the form we tend to hear about and one more about mental contamination.

If its just this then I guess its just a case of heightened anxiety making you try to protect yourself.

I don't think its only people with anxiety that would feel some panic over asbestos because its always sold as the people who are suffering decades later, we don't tend to here about the rest unless you look into it. So, another case of public health awareness via the scattergun approach.

07-04-15, 17:01
I'm a bit concerned I feel a bit wheezy today, I'm unsure if its me being anxious is bringing on my asthma. I'm just really worried about it :/

08-04-15, 04:35
It could be the asthma and if you need to, use your reliever to take care of it. If that works, its not anxiety. If it doesn't, it may be anxiety but monitor it and see someone if needed.

08-04-15, 09:12
Yeh going to keep monitoring, was in the kitchen last night wasn't doing any work on it but noticed where I removed the board last time there was another board that looked suspicious. I put gaffer tape over it to cover it up man I think I'm losing my mind, it set me off and got me panicky again woke at 5 am couldn't sleep again. Got some asbestos removal people to come and remove an old garage because that is asbestos, going to get them to look at this board in the kitchen that I'm worried about. There going to think I'm mad when they come around I've covered all holes and bits with gaffer tape that I'm concerned about.

08-04-15, 09:43
I wouldn't worry about that. People hear asbestos and they panic, not just people already suffering anxiety. Its sold as something that will cause you damage and when you read about it, its not the whole truth. Domestic asbestos is the least dangerous as well, its the industrial stuff that has the stronger links to disease from what I read last time.

Just tell them you were being cautious because of your asthma. Asthma can be aggravated by any dust when you are DIYing as I'm sure you know, so you can just say you didn't want all the dust.

Knowing them they will probably turn round and say "oh, its nowt mate, we work in this stuff all day long and your case is nuffin" and "any chance of a cup of tea gaffer?".