View Full Version : Why did I check?!

05-04-15, 09:04
Ok, so I had blood tests a couple of weeks ago and didn't worry too much about them. However, I received a letter in the post telling me to make a routine appt with the GP to discuss the results. Went into full panic mode but the receptionist told me it's nothing to worry about, all normal apart from my B-12 levels. Couldn't get appt until 21st April but I wasn't worried so all was good. This morning, I have logged on to the patient access site to order a prescription, I decided to have a look at the blood test results while I was there. Everything was normal, BUT my Ferritin levels are low NOT B-12!!! I had a colonoscopy in 2011 due to digestive symptoms and Ferritin level being 19 (low). Everything came back ok.

Panicking now because my level is now 9! I wouldn't have thought bowel/colon either but when I searched low ferritin on this site people have put that they have googled and that's what has come up! Aargh!! I need calming or advice, how can it be so low? Could my previous colonoscopy have missed something?! There is no obvious blood in my stools but I just feel crap all the time and stools are soft (sorry tmi) but have been for 4 years! Could it be cancer if all other bloods ok? Sorry for essay I'm panicking so it's making me waffle on!

05-04-15, 10:07
I'm sure if it were serious they wouldn't have you waiting around for weeks on end. Don't Google unless your looking up restaurants or opening times :D
Bloods can go out of whack for all sorts of reasons, I had some weird ones before that came back fine when I had them repeated.

Happy Easter and take care xxx

06-04-15, 12:01
Thank you for replying! I guess I shouldn't be too worries as all other tests were ok. My fbc was slightly high but still classed as normal (too many red but normal everything else). B-12 has gone down since it was last checked in 2011 but not by much. I guess it's just because my ferritin has dropped so low. But I guess like you say if my Dr was worried she would have made sure I was seen sooner x