View Full Version : Can't we try and find a cure or something to help people like us?

05-04-15, 14:16
Surely there must be a cure out there somewhere, its not right that all of us "sufferers" have to put up with this disgusting disorder and its associated physical and mental symptoms.

How much research and time is actually spent on anxiety as opposed to research in other areas such as cancer and dementia, etc?

05-04-15, 14:35
I think, given the efficacy of medication and therapy, there isn't as much research into it as illnesses that can be physically harmful, like cancer etc.

Depression however is one of the most researched illnesses of all of them and advances in the treatment of depression tend to complete therapy for anxiety and vice versa.

Yes, it's difficult having anxiety, but since it's not physically harmful I think it makes more sense trying to find ways to prevent diseases that could ultimately prove fatal.

05-04-15, 17:49
If anxiety is caused by negative beliefs about ourselves and the future, medication can only take that away, not cure it. Cure comes from changing faulty beliefs and behaviour.

05-04-15, 18:28
With anxiety, your body isn't actually doing anything wrong.. You'd respond exactly the same if you were chased by a lion. So in that sense it's not dangerous and a cure is something that comes from within rather than external factors like medication. In the end the only person that can heal you is yourself. Have all the therapy and medication in the world, but you won't get better if you don't work on it. Just like someone with physio won't get better and walk again after an injury unless they put in 100% effort.

Then with something like cancer or dementia, that can kill people whether they put in all the effort in the world or not, deserves more funding as medical intervention is required to keep people alive. The majority of us aren't going to drop dead from anxiety, especially if we engage in the treatments available.

05-04-15, 18:49
I agree with Kimberley.

05-04-15, 19:10
There is a lot of information but it is not required of GPs so they know little except pills. Psychiatrists are more interested in actual diseases they can treat with pills, they leave it to therapists to deal with anxiety and they have the knowledge but not the time. One in ten people has an anxiety disorder. Too many patients. The information for a cure is all on the net but so is a lot of crap. Knowing which is which takes time. Which is why I put it in a booklet so a person knows where to look. Yes there is a cure. I'm cured, but it did not happen overnight. And it did not work as I thought it should. If you have an anxiety disorder then you have taken something normal and warped it. You need to straighten it out, not just cope with it. Most easy to find information is behavioural. You need to dig harder to find how and why to do the cognitive if you want a cure. I spent a long time researching before I found somethings that work. On top of that CBT has to be adjusted for your specific case. Generic doesn't work. But yes there is a cure. and you want it because stress leads to other health issues and they will kill you.

05-04-15, 19:48
I don't think your final sentence is very helpful or necessarily accurate, Davit

05-04-15, 21:10
I think Davit is saying that stress weakens the immune system and causes illnesses , i dont think it is meant to scare anyone it is true what the effects of stress has on our bodies it isn't good for us .

There is only one cure and that is to change our way of thinking and behaviour , i find it so hard to change but i am changing bit by bit and if you think about it everyone who suffers this disorder have a pattern of behaviour that caused us to get worse, i think the main problem is that we analyze symptoms too deeply which causes us more anxiety because we get beyond fear, it just isn't easy to snap out of it but we have to learn to do it and if we are completely honest it is only us who can cure ourselves by changing the things that made us like this in the first place.

I know pills are not the cure they only supress the symptoms and the deep rooted cause .
I think it is really important for us to be reasurred that nothing we are experiencing will harm us and we know deep down that the physical symptoms won't i mean we are still here and we are still talking about it so it doesn't harm us , it is just such a powerful force and its all to do with our thinking i personally believe and until we re train our thoughts we will just keep suffering the symptoms, im all for being cured and that's why i joined this forum and if we all stick together and encourage each other we can beat this :)

05-04-15, 21:38
anxiety is controlled by the mind, nothing to do with a cure. You can't cure everything that goes wrong in life. haven't people been searching for years for a solution to anxiety calum?

---------- Post added at 21:38 ---------- Previous post was at 21:37 ----------

I fixed mine myself - simply mind over matter. it's not a disgsting disorder, it's part of you and it can help you

05-04-15, 22:01
anxiety is controlled by the mind, nothing to do with a cure. You can't cure everything that goes wrong in life. haven't people been searching for years for a solution to anxiety calum?

---------- Post added at 21:38 ---------- Previous post was at 21:37 ----------

I fixed mine myself - simply mind over matter. it's not a disgsting disorder, it's part of you and it can help you

yep i said the same but in a lot more detail i do tend to talk a lot :roflmao::roflmao:

05-04-15, 22:19
I find that not having panic anymore I sound too normal so give people the impression there was probably nothing the matter in the first place. I wish that was so. And yes stress does weaken the Immune system, but you are also forgetting every function of your body uses neurotransmitters. If they don't work properly how can you expect your organs to. If I am scary please don't read my posts. There is a cure, it is more work than control, but even control is better than doing nothing. Medication is fine but panic comes back when you quit it. Medication is a bandaid till you find something better. I have two cousins on Prozac because they can't be bothered doing the work. Seems I've wasted the last five years, or is it six now researching everything reliable on Anxiety and CBT. And I mean reliable (Therapist approved) If you want me to get scary I could tell you about six weeks in the psych ward. Actually it wasn't that bad except the doors out are locked. Still you don't want to be there. The food just isn't like your own and the view is pretty limited. Surprisingly there is coffee and TV 24/7. But there are some pretty sad people there. I learned a lot there, even made some friends but the biggest thing I learned is that I don't ever want to go back. One of my friends was there because she jumped from the third storey and it didn't work. Another tried to drive her car into another and missed. Just totalled her car and broke both ankles. She will have pain for the rest of her life. I talked to her every evening on the phone till she fell asleep for a year. The worst person I knew only got out of bed to eat and take more pills. She is probably dead now. It can happen.
So now I have to wonder why I'm here. In future I'll tone it down. I'm not leaving, I like bubble shooter. And I paid my donation, how many of you did. This is good site with lots of information, well worth donating too and you can always ignore me if you think I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm the one who doesn't have panic attacks anymore, ever. And will never have another.

05-04-15, 23:00
With anxiety, your body isn't actually doing anything wrong.. You'd respond exactly the same if you were chased by a lion. So in that sense it's not dangerous and a cure is something that comes from within rather than external factors like medication. In the end the only person that can heal you is yourself. Have all the therapy and medication in the world, but you won't get better if you don't work on it. Just like someone with physio won't get better and walk again after an injury unless they put in 100% effort.

Then with something like cancer or dementia, that can kill people whether they put in all the effort in the world or not, deserves more funding as medical intervention is required to keep people alive. The majority of us aren't going to drop dead from anxiety, especially if we engage in the treatments available.

Just seen this post, this is very logical and helpful, couldn't put it better myself.

06-04-15, 08:46
Yes I agree. Kimberley has shown great insight and perception here and has stated her point clearly and with respect to others on this forum.

06-04-15, 15:51
Ah thanks guys! I try my best...:blush:

06-04-15, 16:20
I got up this morning and was going to leave the computer closed and just go do some thing else but couldn't resist making a few points.
First off anxiety is controlled by memory. Previous experiences to be specific.
Secondly, there are two types of people, and every thing in between. Not everyone can just bull through it and ignore what they want. For some of this it is not king of the castle but trying to make a cake with some ingredient missing.
Third, a lot of what we have controlling our thoughts are core beliefs that came from someone else's personality, they are not us, we just think they are.
Fourth, you can not change memory, but you can change how you see it. And I won't be foolish enough to say it is easy but it can be done. If rats can be taught to so can people, we are supposed to be smarter. (it is a maze test to prove conditioning can be changed not a comment on people) It is about using semantic memory which we can learn to do.
Fifth you can control anxiety or you can take the time to cure it. The choice is yours and yours alone. It can't be done for you.