View Full Version : Strange pain at back of head

06-04-15, 00:49
today I've experienced a pain in one specific area of my head at the left/back and it's majorly worrying me :( it's like a sharp pain and lasts for a few seconds then disappears and has happened about 3/4 times over the last 6 hours. (Kind of feels like in my brain) Could it be something to worry about or is it common? Does anyone know or experience the same things? Please reply im so anxious :( :( thankyou.

06-04-15, 11:37
Hi there, yes it's very common actually, it's occipital neuralgia which can be caused by tension in neck or shoulders etc.... it's compression of the occipital nerve which gives a sharp shooting pain at the back of the head. I have had it lots of times over the years, not nice but nothing to worry about. Have a sunny day :)

06-04-15, 11:58
I had this just last week! It happened on and off all day, from the base of my skull right to the top of my scalp, my head even hurt to touch in some areas. The next couple of days I kept getting twinges but then it stopped completely. I too panicked and thought it was a brain issue!