View Full Version : Sleep paralysis concern

06-04-15, 06:38
Sleep paralysis is normal for me but sometimes i get these episodes of intense struggle when trying to wake up from a really deep dream. My head and face hurt all over like it was going to explode and this is happened a few times now and each time I think im gonna die so ive been wondering if it's harmful. This one wasn't even that bad, sometimes i wake from one and feel so weak and exhausted from it.

06-04-15, 10:20
hey Bethany, sleep paralysis is common in anxiety from what ive hear, ive stumbled across your post because as fell asleep i had figh myself to move and felt scared ( huge pump of adrenline ) - the sleep sounds like me tbh i get it most nights intense sleep were will sleep 10 to 13 hours staight the dream will be that deep i can feel the exhausting physical things that i do in them for example last night i was running round a city all night trying to find someone - waking up was horrible i felt asif ive been hit by a bus and just wanted to sleep more, also horrid as you wake up feeling anxious and it reeally isnt a good way to start the day is you already have anxiety! chin up onwards and upwards your not alone, feel free to pm me if need any other advice x

06-04-15, 11:06
Its horrible and scary , but i find that when its happening if i relax and just concentrate on moving my finger then i wake up and its over , but the most powerful tool for me and i am not preaching my faith but i am not ashamed to say i am a Christian is that i was searching for help on sleep parlysis and someone said make the sign of the cross over your body before you sleep and pray for protection it really helps and i haven't had it since doing this. I know it is not for everyone but when we are desperate we try everything .

It is related to stress for sure and so is sleep apnea which i suffer from , sleep apnea for me isn't as disturbing as sleep paraylis, because i just wake up from sleep apnea and start breathing again but there is a video on youtube that has exercises to cure it and it works .

08-04-15, 23:59
Hey hun I get sleep paralysed when I'm in a deep slept most people get it when awake I can not move at all I try my best but it's like a weight on me or something I don't think I get pain like you do but may be wrong I know I can't breathe or anything and I'm fighting to wake up I have to stop fighting and let my body go limp before I wake up its scary as anything ! I told my doxtor who laughed and said it's some sort of crazy sleep disorder glad he found it funny hopefully karma will get him although I wouldn't wish it on anybody I wake up exhausted too xx